♕ Haneul University ♕ Application Form


Reminders and Things to Note(s): 

  1. There is a password :D
  2. Try to keep the format as much as possible~ (Although it's ok if you make it prettier)
  3. Refrain from using neon colours  (<- and doing that)
  4. Delete this part before submitting~ And Remove the brackets -> []
  5. Be sure to PM your blog link to either hermelyn0497 or AmyL09 
  6. Use the source code! :p




Haneul International University of the Arts

Application Form

(Ulzzang Photo)




Username + Profile Link:

Activeness: [10 being the highest, 1 being the lowest]

Do You Know Me?


Nickname: [Plus reason why it's their nickname]

Age: [17-21]


Birth Place: [Where you were born]

Hometown: [Where you grew up]


Blood Type:

Languages: [3 Max Fluent]

I am Hot

Ulzzang Name:

Links: [Hyperlink]

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back Up Ulzzang:

Links: [Hyperlink]

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Style: [What kind of clothes you usually wear when going out. How you wear your school uniform. Etc. You can hyperlink pictures or you can explain it or do both]

Additional Information: [Anything you want us to know about her appearance? Scars, tattoos, piercings?]

Real Story

Background: [What was your life like before getting accepted to the University. Also include your family background.]

∴ Start typing here~

Personality: [Quality over quantity]

∴ Start typing here~

Likes: [5+] [P.S This is not hobbies]

  • Start typing here~

Dislikes: [5+]

  • Start typing here~

Hobbies: [3+]

  • Start typing here~

Habits: [2+]

  • Start typing here~

Trivia: [Optional. Remove if none.]

Without U

Family: [ Relation: Name | Age | Occupation | Deceased or Alive | Short description about him/her | How they treat you ]

  • Start typing here~

Bestfriends [ Max 2 ]: [Name | Age | Occupation | Deceased or Alive | Short description about him/her | How they act around you ]

  • Start typing here~

Friends [ Optional, Max 4 ]: [Name | Age | Occupation | Deceased or Alive | Short description about him/her | How they act around you ]

  • Start typing here~

Past Relationships [ Optional, ex friends? Ex lover? ]: [Relation-Name | Age | Occupation | Deceased or Alive | Short description about him/her | How they act around you ]


Wake Up

Rival: [Name | Group | Age | Course | Short description about him/her]

Why are you rivals? [Could be because of love? Family? Or some other twisted reason?]
∴ Start typing here

How do you act around each other? [Do you quietly throw glares or beat each other up whenever you see each other?]
∴ Start typing here

Love Beat

Love Interest: [Name | Group | Age | Is he/she studying in the school? If yes, what division / major | Short description about him/her]

How you met each other?
∴ Start typing here

How do you act around each other?
∴ Start typing here


Second Love Interest  [In case you want a love triangle. Remove if not. Same as above]:  

How you met each other?
∴ Start typing here

How do you act around each other?
∴ Start typing here


Back Up Love Interest [In case your love interest is already taken. Same as above]: 

How you met each other?
∴ Start typing here

How do you act around each other?
∴ Start typing here

I hope

Division & Course: Performing Arts Division (dance and theatre) | Music Division (singing and instruments) | Fine Arts Division (painting and fashion) ] 

Specialzation: (What kind of dance, what kind of instrument, what genre, etc.)

Dorm: [Is your character living in the dorm of the school or not?] Yes  | No

Dream: [What does your character want to achieve?]

Extra Extra

Comments, Suggestions, Questions, Violent Reactions?:


Anything goes: [Feel free to put a picture of your bias here J]:


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