〖 ⋆ When the Moon Rises ⋆ 〗[Gwendolyn Zolner]

  When the Moon Rises  
[ Valkyrie + y Demon ]
User Name: memories_polaris
Name: Polaris
Activeness: 5
We're A Bit Different
Birth Name: [Gwendolyn][Zolner]
 Nickname: Gwen // a childhood nickname; no one calls her that anymore.
"Stage" Name: Valkyrie
Persona: y Demon
Reason: Cold, with a hard stare, it's kind of obvious how she got this persona.
Age: 25
Date of Birth: December 31st, 1987
Horoscope: Capricorn
Blood Type: AB
Birthplace: Mosow, Russia
Hometown: St. Petersburg, Russia
Ethnicity: Korean Russian
Languages: Korean [fluent], Russian [fluent], English [semi-fluent]
Character Type: Beauty with the cold eyes.
Gwendolyn seems to have lost most of her personality through her trainning period. She has become stony and hard to read, with almost no emotions showing on her face at all. She hides everything beneath a thick mask. She is unforvgiving and a tad bit condescending. If she thinks you've done something wrong or if you could have done it better and were only just being lazy, she will tell you simply. Also a bit of a know-it-all; if she thinks she knows better than you, her equal, she is not afraid to say so. She doesn't worry about her words and how they might hurt people because she doesn't care. She doesn't want to make friends anyway; that's not for her anymore, she can't afford that anymore. She is cool, calm and reserved, most people not knowing anything about her at all. On the outside, she looks over-confident, but on the inside, that's not always the case. When she is alone, she allows herself to resign to her memories where things were better and not so complicated. She secretly longs for the past and to be innocent again.
However, with all this being said, Gwendolyn is responsible and hardworking. If given a task she will complete it to the best of her ability without fail. She is well disciplined as well, and knows how to control herself and her emotions to better herself as a gang member and as a service girl at the cafe. Inwardly, she is gentle and sympathetic, especially to other girls in her situation. If something should happen to one of them, she will be the first to jump up and venge them. She is trustworthy as she always completes her tasks in a timly fashion.
[Happy] - Gwendolyn isn't happy too often these days, but when she is, most of the time, no one will know. She keeps a plain face, but her eyes are a little softer and she isn't so cold. Unlike before when Gwendolyn would actually laugh, she hardly even smiles anymore but there is a faint raise at the corner of her lips where the smile used to be.
[Sad] - When Gwnedolyn is sad, she allows herself to break. She is not afraid to cry, but she will wait until she is alone so she doesn't make a scene. Since she is all about appearence, she doesn't want anyone to see her tears because that would ruin her image but crying is all she has. Every now and then she will mourn for Dmitri, for her parents, and for who she used to be. She isn't violent when she's sad and the only clue to her sadness is her tears. She'll just cry, alone, in her room.
[Angry] - When she is angry, Gwnedolyn becomes violent. She hates to be angry because she often loses control of herself and overreacts. She will overturn tables, break cups and plates, and throw things to try and vent her anger. She will even take it out on someone else, should they try to subdue her. She shouts and screams her rage, so everyone knows what made her that why so no one does it ever again. Not even Dmitri has been able to calm her down as this is a new trait that developed after his death.
[Customers] - Calm and dignified, Gwendolyn never shows her true self to her customers. She is well-mannered besides for not really caring about quality of service. She gets the job done and that's all that matters. However, she is never rude or cruel, she has to save her energy for the night, anyway.
[Gang Member] - Ruthless and cold, Gwendolyn was the perfect fighter and the ideal killer. She never asked questions and always completed her task quickly and effortlessly. She never left any traces behind but had a signature - she killed quickly but fought slowly. In the back of her mind, she thinls its because of Dmitri's death and she wants to make sure that those who will die anyway will die quickly by her hands.
» vanilla cupcakes // they're delicious, that's why.
» books // they're a good distraction from day-to-day life.
» cartoons // a good distraction and amusing at that.
» apples // they're delicious, especially the red ones. the red ones taste better.
» her bed // when its finally time to sleep is the time she [read: I] can finally relax.
» incompetant people // who likes incompetant people?
» crude humor // it's not funny, its just disrespectful and idiotic.
» romantic movies // what's so great about them anyway?
» over optimism // you're not that great... what made your head get so big?
» pink // its just an awful color...
Pet Peeves:
» being reminded of her past // it's not something she [read: I] wants to remember. ever.
» overly bubbily/optimistic girls // they're just... annoying.
» being accused of something // especilly something she [read: I] didn't do.
» watching cartoons
» reading books
» taking bubble baths
» jogging around the neighborhood
» practicing taichi
» whistling
» taking too long in the shower
» playing with her earlobe when lost in thought
» preacher's daughter
» likes Yang Yang cartoon the most
» often makes extra vanilla cupcakes for herself at the cafe
» likes to listen to Elvis when she bakes
» favorite scent is vanilla
» loves large light-but-warm blankets
» often reads the report about her crime from the day/night before
I'm Pretty Enough
Ulzzang Name: Jin Jaeyoung
Ulzzang Pictures:

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Su Kyung
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures:

Height: 170cm
Weight: 112pounds
Description of Appearance:
»  slim without much womanly curves
»  ivory skin
»  usually has dyed hair
» long fingers and legs
» black eyes
» a little boney
» large knuckles on her hands
Often wears plain but fashionable clothing. She likes to look good but doesn't really like trying to look good. She likes dresses, jean jackets, and clothing with loud print. Colorful too. Doesn't like too many accessories but will often wear dark colored sunglasses or a mask over . Tank tops are nice because they look good with just jeans and there isn't much else you have to do about it. Formally, she tries a little harder. She will wear a nice dress matched with tall heels and some long earrings. Doesn't usually wear bracelets, but she likes anklets. Her default hairstyle is a sideways ponytail or braid or even jsut leaving it down, but when its a formal occaision, she will wear it up in a y up-do. 
» Scar along her stomach // got it during her [read: my] fight with Jonghyun
» wears her engagment ring on a silver chain around her neck // it was given to her[read: me] by a man she loved dearly and she can't bear to part with it just yet.
» angel wing tramp stamp tattoo // got it on a whim
» dark colored birthmark on her left temple // was born with it (luckily her hair covers it for the most part)
» always wears earrings in all her [read: my] pearcings (total of 5; 3 on her left ear, 2 on her right)// usually just little ones. nothing really too flashy, but they are a little bit punk-ish...
A Sad Song
Gwendolyn was a normal child. She was born in Mosow and moved to St. Petersburg when she was 6, where she would spend the remainder of what her parents' know of her life. She experienced a normal childhood: had lots of friends, got along with her parents, got decent grades in school. She never fought and never hurt anything but the occasional spider in her room. She fell in and out of love a couple times, before meeting the boy who would change the course of her life forever. His name was Dmitri and he was a high school drop out who worked at the auto-mechanic shop Gwendolyn's father brought his car to. One day, he asked Gwendolyn to bring his car to the shop for him because he had too much work to do. After a little complaining, Gwendolyn complied. There she met Dmitri and they hit it off. Three months later, he asked her on a date. He impressed her parents and was the perfect gentleman. They got along well and before they knew it, one date became two, two became four, four became ten, and ten became countless until they were almost always together. They were happy together and Gwendolyn's parents had nothing to suspect; Dmitri was a good kid who made a few mistakes but is totally in love with their daughter. After about three years of their relationship, Dmitri proposed (of course, after asking her father for permission first) - and of course Gwendolyn said yes. However, not too long after this did things start to change. Suddenly, there were large amounts of Dmitri's time unaccounted for, mysterious bruises and cuts showing up on his body. He became tired and a little short-tempered, but Gwendolyn didn't think of any of this as a personality change - because it wasn't. She had wittnessed this in small doses before, she just never knew what happened. One day, after not hearing from Dmitri in three days, she recieved a letter from him telling her to meet him at the park at midnight and that he had a surprise for her. A little excited and a little nervous, Gwendolyn snuck out of her parents home precisely at 11:30 and made her way to the park. The sight she saw was not the sight she had wanted or expected: in the middle of the park, surrounded by trees, was Dmitri. He was on his knees, arms were securly tied behind his back with a thick rope and he was gagged. Standing in front of him was a tall and beautiful woman whose face was hidden in the shadows. Gwendolyn didnt spend too much time gawking at the woman as suddenly, she was grabbed from behind and forced to her knees. Her arms were bound almost instantanously and a rope was tied from her stomach to her neck, creating a violent type of leash. Upon seeing Gwendolyn at the scene, Dmitri began to fight his bonds to no avail. The two (maybe there were more, but Gwendolyn doesn't remember) laughed at them both as he tried to get to her and as she cried for him. They revealed that it was they who sent the letter to Gwendolyn and explained their whole plot - something that didn't make sence to Gwendolyn. Once the story was over, the man behind Gwendolyn clucked his tongue and suddenly the woman had a fitful of Dmitri's hair, forcing him to his feet and forcing her gun into his temple. The last thing Gwendolyn remembers from that night was the sound of the gun firing.
The next sequence of memories are a blur. Gwendolyn woke up in a room that wasn't her own, in a place she wasn't familiar with (she knew it wasn't Russia anymore; Russian houses looked different), bound to the bed by her neck, stomach, arms and feet (her neck was tied to the headboard, her stomach tied to either end of the bed, and her wrists and ankles were secured to the bed posts). There was no point in squriming or fighting, she'd just choke herself. The first person she remembers seeing was someone she know recognises as Joon. "Oh, you're awake," was all he said in a dull tone, his eyes cold, as he poured her a glass of water. Gwendolyn turned her head repeatedly refusing the offer until he took her by the chin and forced her to drink it. However, he couldn't force her to swollow as she spit it at him. He cursed at her and took her by the neck, pressing deeper into the bed beneath her. Gwendolyn believes he would have killed her if other people didnt rush in to her aid. However, she wished he had killed her then as she spent the next few months of her life fighting for her life against various training rituals and vicious fights with others in her position. If she had lost, she didn't know what would happen to her so she fought as hard and as vicious as she could until she became hard and vicious.
Her next vivid memory was that of meeting Jonghyun. She knew there was somehting special about him when they brushed shoulders the first time. When she looked at him, his eyes would narrow and his lips would curl into a smirk. Gweondolyn didn't get the joke until she heard him speak, then she knew who he was. He was the one who clucked his tongue that night already so long ago - he was the one who ordered Dmitri's death.... Suddenly, all the memories and emotions she had been surpressing for Lord knows how long poured out. She yearned for Dmitri, longed to be with her parents, missed her home and her life before all of this happened. Before she knew what she was doing, she lunged at Jonghyun. They engaged in a damaging fight, leaving Gwendolyn's left eye severely wounded and a long scar along her stomach. Jonghyun also receved injuries however, but not as severe as Gwendolyn's. It was around this time Gwendolyn decided she would revenge Dmitri. She wasn't sure how she was going to do it or if it could even be done, but this became her reason for being.
After that, Gwendolyn got promoted, if you could say that about this sort of thing, and began getting sent out on missions. They all blurred to her; she just killed whoever they told her to kill, stole whatever they told her to steal, etc. She was a puppet in a game only they knew the rules to. Eventually, she got tired of it and after a couple years of being a puppet, Gwendolyn ran away - right into the arms of the Cafe Masters. They offered her a place to stay and food to eat, if in return, she worked for them at their cafe. Gwendolyn agreed because it sounded like a pretty good deal. What she didn't know, was who these girls were and just what she was getting herself into.   
Reason for Joining Gang:
She didn't join willingly. She was kiddnapped after witnessing the murder of her fiance.

Simeon Zolner || Father || Preacher || Rightous, understanding, level-headed, intellegent, unorganized. || Gwendolyn was a daddy's little girl her whole life. Her father was the most important man to her. He loved and cherished his daughter with all his heart and spoiled her rotten.  || Haven't been in contact in years. Believes Gwendolyn to be dead. Still resides in St. Petersburg.
Elizabeth Jinhee Hwang-Zolner || Mother || Primary school teacher || Strict, kind, humorous, the parental-figure of the family. || Gwendolyn and her mother weren't the best of friends only because her mother was strict with her. She told her 'no', 'don't do that', 'you're not old enough', etc. Nonetheless, they loved each other, despite having occasional fights in Gwendolyn's teen years. || Haven't been in contact in years. Believes Gwendolyn to be dead. Still resides in St. Petersburg.
Nicholas Zolner || Brother || Primary school student || sometimes troublesome, boyish, childish, a little selfish, not completly understanding of the world around him. || N/A || Was born after Gwendolyn disappeared.
Best Friends: N/A 
Taeyeon || Gang Member || Taeyeon is the perfect gang member because she can control her emotions; at one moment, she can be smiling and happy, and the next she can be vicious ready to take a life. As a friend, she is sweet, kind, gentle, and a good listener. || Taeyeon and Gwendolyn are pretty good friends, despite Gwendolyn not really trusting anyone. They talk often and go to lunch weekly. Maybe it doesn't show on the outside, but Gwendolyn really likes Taeyeon and thinks, with time, she could be her best friend.
Enemy || Jonghyun || Gang member || Cold and calculating, Jonghyun is the perfect gang member. He feels no remorse or sympathy for his fellow human beings and can kill without second thought. He finds amusment in playing and toying with people, especially women. || Gwendolyn feels nothing for Jonghyun but the deepest hatred. Jonghyun find this amusing. || Jonghyun was the one who pulled Gwendolyn into the gang life (see history for more details). ||  They never got along || Nothing
Enemy || Taeyeon || Gang Member || Taeyeon is the perfect gang member because she is two-faced. On the outside, she looks sweet, gentle, and kind, and she can be, but inside, she is as hard as stone and just as cold. She is always up for a good fight, especially if it's to the death. She is open and willing to use her womanly wiles to seduce men and women to get what she wants and to accomplish her goals - also to have a little fun. But, she can also be a pretty good friend. || Taeyeon knows she killed the love of Gwendolyn's life, but has not come forward and admitted it to Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn knows a woman gang member was the one to give the final blow, she just doesnt know who. || She's the one who killed Dmitri (see history for more details) || Gwendolyn doesn't know it was Taeyeon who killed her boyfriend; it's Taeyeon's secret. She knows when Gwendolyn finds out, they will become enemies. || Gwendolyn doesn't know that it was Taeyeon who killed Dmitri
Other Relationships:
Boyfriend-Girlfriend || Dmitri Boroditskaya || Deseased at age 24 || Auto-mechanic/gang member || Loving and sweet, with the aura of "couldn't even hurt a fly", he was the last person you'd expect to be in a gang. He was hardowrking at his job, both in the gang and at the auto-mechanic, and loved Gwendolyn, whom he called Gwen, with all his heart. || Gwendolyn and Dmitri were the exact image of the perfect couple. They were iconic. They did everything together; Gwendolyn was completely and totally in love with him and Dmitri was with her. || They broke-up upon Dmitri's death|| This relationship is the reason why Gwendolyn changed; why she became a gang member. She still doesn't know about Dmitri's secret life of being a gang member.
Mystery To You
Reason for Working at the Cafe:
The cafe masters offered her refuge if she would only work for them.
Main Position at Cafe: Waitress
Back-up Position at Cafe: Baker
Specialty: Attracting customers; making delicate flowers out of icing and melted chocolate
Words I Couldn't Bear To Say
The One: An Chilhyun (Kangta) || H.O.T || Civilian
The Second One: Shim Changmin (Choikang) || TVXQ || Gang Member
Relationship: Something more. Maybe, Chilhyun/Changmin can be the one to save Gwedolyn
Second Interest: Park Jungsoo (Eeteuk) || Super Junior || They don't know each other yet || Smiley and always seems to be in a good mood. Jungsoo is a spirit-lifter and knows just what to say to brighten someone's day.
Third InterestKim Jaejoong (Hero) || JYJ || Member of Dmitri's gang/yes, they know each other. || Bold, heroic, strong, reliable.
Interactions: Chilhyun flirts with good humor but Gwendolyn shoots him down with indifference. With that being said, Chilhyun is Gwendolyn's favorite customer and not only because he tips her well. Chilhyun usually can manage to get the hardworking Gwendolyn to sit down for a couple minutes as he tells her about his day (because she refuses to tell him about hers). Slowly, he is getting Gwendolyn to open up to him, but Gwnedolyn doesn't always buy into his game. Slowly, she's begun to casually flirt with him and . The normal things she teases him about is his hairstyle, his age, his choice in outfits, etc. Usually, however, Gwendolyn is like the sweet breeze that doesn't stay around quite long enough but that Chilhyun can't get enough of. Chilhyun is a poison to Gwendolyn; he brings out who she used to be before joining the gang. He makes her blush, even if she refuses to admit it.
Ideal Type: Smooth, suave, and outgoing. Those are the three main traits of Gwendolyn's ideal man. He should have a good smile and be a little taller than her. Just a little taller, though. He should have a good sense of fashion but never over dress. He should be understanding and gentle, never should yell or shout or accuse. Just love her, just want her. She would be happy to have nothing but him if he could be happy to have nothing but her. He needs to be someone she can give her whole self to, and not feel like she needs to keep any secrets. He should have a good laugh and a handsome grin. Smiles a lot and laughs a lot. Should have a good sinse of humor and should be able to bend; he wont get all ruffled at the feathers if something doesnt go just right. He needs to be a good listener and a good talker for when Gwendolyn feels like expressing herself and for when she doesn't.
Additional Details:
» If you want me to give them jobs: Chilhyun can be a civil servant, Changmin is a gang member/university student, Jungsoo is a preschool teacher, and Jaejoong works at a mechanic.
» Relationship types: Chyilhyun & Gwendolyn - Oppa/Dongsaeng; Changmin & Gwendolyn - Love/Hate; Jungsoo & Gwendolyn - Shy/Curious; Jaejoong & Gwendolyn - friends-turned-lovers
» Jaejoong moved to Korea to search for Gwendolyn; he has been searching for her since Dmitri's death and had gotten a tip that she was in Korea.
» Chilhyun comes to the cafe very often but never orders a lot. Sometimes he even just comes to leave Gwendolyn a tip. 
» Jungsoo's school is near the cafe.
» Changmin comes to the cafe every so often when the other gang members go, usually just to bother Gwendolyn.
You Say You Know Me
Gang Name: Valkryie
Persona: Angel of Death
Reason for Persona: She was merciful when killing, but ruthless when just "roughing them up".
What You Were Known For As Part of the Gang: Her contrasting styles. When ordered to kill, she was sharp and quick about it. She left no clues behind and usually left without inflcting much pain, besides death. When she was ordered to "just rough 'em up a bit", she always did a little more than that and inflicted a lot of pain.
Intelligence: 9/10
Strength: 6/10
Speed: 6/10
Stealth: 7/10
Endurance: 7/10
Resolve: 8/10
Intuition: 7/10
Reflexes: 9/10
Perception: 9/10
Bravery: 10/10
Agility: 7/10
Team Work: 5/10
Following Orders: 5/10
Gathering Information: 8/10
Persuasion: 9/10
Trust: 2/10
Behaviour to Gang: She plays along with them. They they tease or joke, Gwendolyn can retort a joke right back at them. She's flirty with the males but a tad cold with the females (like how female horses/animals don't always get along with other female horses/animals).
Behaviour to Customers : Seemingly uncaring. She never misses or messes up an order and even adds extra detail and finesseto everything she touches. However, when dealing with the customers, her it's like her people skills are just not there.
Part of the Gang or Cafe: Waitress. She doesn't particularly mind her job at the cafe; at least she isn't a puppet anymore....
A Good Bye
Comment: So, I added a bunch of guys for my interests because I noted that at the bottom you said it was ok :3 and since age isn't an issue for you guys, I chose my supreme bias as my no. 1 interest. I hope you guys don't mind :3 Your story just sounded so interesting that I couldn't just pass it up because I don't  know most of the guys in the masterlist.
I hope you guys like Gwendolyn... I hope I did everything right lol. All the photos are linked so you can click on them to see a bigger version since they're all kind of small.
I love the idea of this story and I tried to write this character sketch appropriatly; if anything is too extreme or if I should fix anything, let me know. And you can change whatever too, of course :)
By the way, Gwendolyn was a mythical Queen who defeated her husband in battle and Zolner means 'soldier' in Russion (so I'm told) ^^
Oh, and Breaka Shaka / 爱,频率 - KANGTA (thought I had forgotten, didn't you? :3)

Suggestion: I can't come up with anything! But I will let you know when/if I do :)
(I don't know... I thought it was cute... ^^)


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