Unbreakable Application | Park Jihyun

Park Jihyun


AFF Info: KeysLove


My Name is…

Name: Park Jihyun

Age: 21

Height: 1,75m

Birthdate: 06/08

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan

Personality: He has a really explosive temper, and gets angry very easily. When he's angry, he screams and shouts and throws insults at whoever he thinks is at fault. He doesn't trust people easily, because he's had many disappointments in the past. He is very selfish, but would never hurt the people he loves. With people he doesn't know well, he's kind of friendly, but keeps his distance and is usually very cold until he's used to the person. He may also come off as extremely arrogant and self-centered. With his friends, he is very caring, funny and protective. He would give his life for his friends, if needed. If he hears someone insulting any of his friends, he defends them with every argument he can think of (which are not few). He gets specially mad if he hears someone insulting Kai, and not only throws arguments, but also insults, and if that doesn't work he resorts to physical strength. He yearns for care, like hugs and kisses, but only asks his closest friends for it. He has a good sense of humor, but his humor is the infamous "black humor", so many people may not understand his jokes, or sometimes even be offended by them. Has a dirty mind, and is a bit erted.

He tends to do many things that are "prohibited". Actually, if it is prohibited, he will surely do it. He's kind of a trickster. He's also a troublemaker, and is very mischievous. He loves playing pranks on people, and causing a fuss. He usually gets himself in the middle of some kind of trouble, too. He's also quite the liar. He never lies to his friends, but to all the other people, it is very possible that about 60% of what he says has some kind of lie on it, even if it's really small and insignificant. He lies, most of the time, so he won't be "punished" for the "wrong" things he does. The only exeption to that are his friends. He always tells them absolutely everything, no matter if it's good or bad things. He worries a lot about his looks, specially his weight. He doesn't want to get "fat", so he's always below his ideal weight, which worries Kai a lot. Jihyun also has a great memory, and always remembers things other pople think he already forgot. He is also very smart, and extremely curious, even too much. He tries to be the most original he possibly can. He is very ironic and very sarcastic. He takes pride on his talents, specially in his dancing, and wants everyone to notice how good he is. He knows how talented he is and is not afraid of showing it to others. He always wants to be the center of attention, and is very irritated when that doesn't happen.

Sometimes he can be rather clumsy, so he breaks something or gets a bruise from time to time. He can't ever keep still, and hates doing nothing. He is the type who loves the city life, and could never live a calm countryside life. He always has to be doing something, even if it's just talking to someone else. He gets bored very easily, and hates when that happens. When he is bored, he'll complain about it to everyone, and will be very annoyed. He constantly curses, but not just for the sake of it. He curses when he wants to explain something that can't be explained in another way, or when he's very angry, or sad, or any other kind of strong feelings.

History: He was born in a very rich family. They lived in Tokyo, but he hated it there. He hated the people who lived there, and most of all, his parents. All the "friends" he had sooner or later ended up revealing that they were stupid fakers, and just wanted to use or humiliate Jihyun. He had always been very insecure about his appearence, specially his weight, even if he didn't have a reason to, and the people who used him only made it worst. His parents also never cared about him, and always looked down upon him and his dream. They said that being an idol was ridiculous, and Jihyun only wanted to do that because he was useless at everything else. Because of that, he ended up creating a "barrier" around him, emotionally, so he wouldn't be hurt again.

The only thing that kept Jihyun there, was a childhood boyfriend of his, Seong. They knew each other since they were kids, and they started "dating", like small kids sometimes play around, but they mainteined that relationship for years, and ended up really dating. On his 15th birthday, however, Jihyun went looking for his boyfriend, and saw him making out with someone else. He was very shocked, but waited for that other person to leave, and them asked Seong about it. Seong simply said something like: "Did you seriously think I actually liked you? Oh please, look at yourself! What is there to like about you?". Jihyun was devastaded, and immediately ran away from home. He got some money from his house, and went to Seoul, to try and go after his dream. After that, he never saw his parents or Seong again, and doesn't want to.

But then, a rather traumatic incident happened. Jihyun had been living in Seoul for some months, it was still morning and he was going back to his modest apartment, when a gang approached him. They wanted him to give them all the money he had, but Jihyun refused to do that. After some time of arguing, one of the guys pulled out a knife and attacked Jihyun from the back, leaving a pretty ugly cut that took half of his back. Then, Kai decided to help him, and after managing to make the gang go away, he went to help the bleeding boy. Jihyun refused to be taken to the hospital, so Kai took him to his apartment, where he lived alone, and took care of the cut himself. Kai spent the day trying to talk to the boy, and even if Jihyun answered his questions, Kai noticed that the other boy wasn't being completely honest. By the end of the day, Kai had managed to go through Jihyun's "barrier", and ended up asking about his past, out of curiosity. Jihyun decided he would tell Kai the whole truth, he trusted the other boy, even if he had only known him for such a short time. Jihyun started telling Kai all of his story, and ended up crying, which startled Kai, who stopped everything he was doing and went to confort the older boy.  After that day, they started living together, and they became really close friends. Kai was the closest friend Jihyun ever had, he was the most important person in the world for him, and he wouldn't change it for anything. He'd even give up his dream, if that meant he would have to leave Kai. Kai always encouraged Jihyun when he was down, and took him everywhere he went, be it a training session or going out with friends. Kai and Jihyun sleep together, because the older boy has problems sleeping alone. Kai always notices when Jihyun wakes up from a nightmare, so he also wakes up, and only goes to sleep again after he makes sure that Jihyun also fell asleep.

After Jihyun debuted with ION, his manager started telling him he shoudn't be so close to Kai, and that their friendship should end. The manager was constantly trying to convince him to abandon Kai, and that made Jihyun very mad. The worst part, was that none of the other members seemed to understand how unfair it was that the manager treated his and Kai's friendship that way. Despite he naturally being a troublemaker, he also disliked the manager because of how he talked about Kai, so the two were always arguing, and never got along well. The fact that he always wanted to be the center of attention didnt help much, either. Jihyun eventually got fed up with all of that, and decided to quit the group. After ION disbanded, Jihyun continued to train, and managed to get a solo album published, with a manager who was a lot more understanding then the old one. He also works as a model, and continues living with Kai. He supposedly has everything he wanted: the fan's attention is solely focused on him, his solo album is going well, he doesn't have an annoying manager saying bad things about Kai. He doesn't really want to go back to ION - but, sometimes, he does miss the group, even if he refuses to admit it.


- Prefers the night rather then the day, and loves watching the night sky.

- Loves talking about polemic topics.

- Loves music, and anything related to it.

- Loves skateboarding, and often does so with Kai.

- Loves heights.


- Hates hot weater.

- Hates sports.

- Dislikes everything that comes from Japan.

- Hates being bored.

- Hates being compared to other people.


- Writing lyrics

- Playing the guitar


- He's a bottom

- He is actually bisual.

- His favorite season is winter.

- Has won many dancing and singing competitions

- He is always fixing his hair or his clothes, because he always wants to look his best

- He is a bit paranoid about being followed

- Always leaves his things in any place, but always remembers where he left them.

- Has nightmares almost every night

- Can't sleep alone

- Can't be alone after he wakes up from a nightmare

- Hugs whoever he is sleeping with

- Never sleeps before midnight

- Only sleeps with the people he trusts

- Likes sleeping with blankets

- Sleeps only in his underwear, or at max with a shirt

- He listens to music before sleeping

- When he is really angry, or sad, or any other kind of strong feelings, he likes to rap or sing, so he can let those feelings out.

- BigBang is his favorite band, and his bias is G-Dragon, followed closely by Taeyang. He is a big fanboy of the band.

- G-Dragon and Taeyang are his main influences

- He is always with his earphones on, no matter what the situation is

- He listens to music at every chance he gets, you could say he is listening to music 80% of the day

- Likes every kind of music, from pop to rock and hip hop.

- His favorite songs are Because Of You by Ne-Yo, Haru Haru by BigBang and Bad Boy, also by BigBang.

- He and Kai created a choreography for the song Lady Marmalade, from the film Moulin Rouge, and they often dance it at variety shows or even actual shows, or anything of the sort.

- Has a phobia of needles (high), the dark (high), being abandoned (moderate) and of bugs (low)

- He has a great aim

- His greatest talent is dancing, he can dance everything from ballet to hip hop perfectly

- He can dance Flamenco (it's a spanish gypsy dance)

- His dancing is usually very y, but he knows how to not be too y when he wants to (which is almost never, but okay)

- He sometimes eats while doing echappés (if you don't know what it is, here. It's the first part only, by the way, and he does it in demi-pointe, not pointe.)

- He hates plain water, but drinks it, specially when he's exercising

- He is extremely good at dancing, rapping and singing, and has won many competitions in all of those things

- He can also play the guitar very well

- He sometimes holds his mic upside down

- He constantly switches his hair color between dark brown (his natural hair color) and blonde

- He is very observative, and he can notice many things about a person even if he only spends half an hour with them

- He has nightmares almost every night, and he is very affected by them. They are usually about his time on Tokyo, or the day he was assaulted. But, sometimes, he dreams about the people he loves leaving him and saying things like "You're useless, I never really liked you", or sometimes even dying, and these are the nightmares that affect him the most.

Ulzzang: Kwak Min Jun : 1 | 2 | 3

Back-up: Park Hyung Jun


Lee Young Jo | 53 | Dad | Cold, uncaring, rude | He and Jihyun don't talk or see each other anymore.

Lee Yeun Ja | 49 | Mom | Fake, cold, uncaring | She and Jihyun don't talk or see each other anymore.

Extra: Kim Seong | 24 | Ex-boyfriend, childhood friend, enemy | Fake, sarcastic, selfish, egocentric, rude, uncaring | Jihyun hasn't seen him since he ran away, on his 15th birthday.


Who I am…

Boy you are applying for: Boy Number Six "The Vocal/Dancer"

You are closest to: Not sure about this, maybe the Leader and the Maknae?

You love: Kim JongIn (Kai) from EXO, or band member (Kai is kind of prefered, though).

Your friends: He's friends with everyone in EXO (Kai introduced him to them), but he's closest to Luhan, Sehun and, obviously, Kai.

Scene Requests: I would really like a scene where Jihyun meets Seong again, and Seong starts being the jerk he is, and them Kai is with him, and understands immediately who Seong was. He gets really angry because of how Seong treats Jihyun, and defends him, but starts a commotion because he ended up starting a fight with Seong.


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