Please help im so confused

Hey.. well im so messed up that i dont even know how to welcome you properly

can i start?


well,, nowdays im studying English language and letreture in the university by a scholarship from the ministry of ***** whatever given to students with high results

well thats not it

honestly i found myself so not good in this major, its too easy that i find myself hating it

i always believed in learning, but ENGLISH? no i dont consider it as a knowledge, and whatmore is that there are not much of opportunities in the future

so i decided to drop out and get into law

but.. the law in my university is by ARABIC,... and HELL NO im going there because im never good at keeping up with arabic lessons, i always end up spacing out, sleeping,yesung94.gif or even getting into AFF by my mobile

so i searched other universities with english law, and found some.. the problem is.. if i dropped out the university im going to have to pay the ministry over 40.000 only for this single course i barely started


so yet again,, i was forced to look at the majors the university already have.. leaving law aside, i went to my old friend, business

im known as very good in maths, so .. yeah now im looking there


help me in this mess,, im so confused

i dont even know what i want


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jacky dear... what is your main interest?? which language are you good in?? if you dun like english literature then dun take it... cause it will be hard for you to love classical english then... hmm... for what i can say is this... do the course that you seem appropriate with your interest and you must be able to cope... if not, you will only struggle in the end...

if there is none subject that interest you, then choose something that you are good at... if you are good in maths, then take up business or accounts... that way you won't struggle much... nowadays ppl take up courses in uni but when they come to the society to work, it's not necessarily from what they have learned you see... so yeah... :)

hope you dun find me boring... :P
@imasein yeah i did.. but its by arabic this law i have in the university