Floating in the sky~

Back with a new blog post :))

kekeke. TODAY I'm soo wonderfully happy~ so so that it made me want to jump around like a lil kid~ I am a little kid. GOSH. WHY?? Well, it just so happens that today, I've got 11 emails in my inbox, and since everyday, I only got like 2 emails per day, I was absolutely happy~ Then, I found out that *OMO* my suscriptions A FULL PAGE was updated~ AHAHA :) I don't regret going to school today. 

BECAUSE of this, I'm going to make all of the requests and post them on today, since I'm feeling really giddy *gosh, I haven't even took a bath yet, just got home from school, kekeke* also to fulfill any updates and requests that I had finished halfway. AND I'm really sorry. Epic Drama was suppose to broadcast yesterday, but.. YEAH, I got caught for staying up late. I mean, my parents hates it when I stay up past 12, and it was past 12. 

Tomorrow's the last day of my exams~ BUT also one of the hardest exam papers that I've managed to pass through. Tomorrow, there's two exam papers, and just so happens that I kind of misplaced my note sheet, that is very extremely useful for me to memorize, since you already know, 5 topics per subject, that has long paragraphs, that you MUST memorize accurately. SO it had been a trouble. *sigh* tafsir hadith. You're my biggest enemy in achieving my goal of 13As. I got you a 100 in UP1, why won't it be like that on UP3 and now?! AHH. If I got 12As, I'm gonna blame you. AHAHAH. random :) 

I really want to make them today soo.. LIST OF THINGS TO COMPLETE ; 

-Time for Invincible Youth 101022 

-Make posters 

-Compete OS requests 

-Memorize Tafsir/Hadith / AQ


-Update Epic Drama and One of A Kind Love. 

OH! The poster for OOAKL had just been done. I love it~ 


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