5 bands (borrowed from madz67)


Borrowed :)) from: madz67


Pick 5 of your favorite Kpop Groups (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:

infinite, teentop, b1a4, b.a.p, btob

Who is your favorite person from #2:


Who is your least favorite from #1:

I like them all

What is your favorite song from #4:


What is your favorite OTP from #3:

I don't know

What is your least favorite OTP from #2:

I ship them all, ot6 ftw

Bias in #5:


Favorite music video in group #4:

stop it

How did you find out about #3:

Baby Goodnight music video 

Favorite thing about group 4:


Most played song on your cellphone/ Ipod from group #2:

i wanna love

Rank favorite to least from #1, #2:


the rest is too hard to choose


(This one is even harder)


really cant decide


Which have you seen more variety shows from #1, #3:


If you could be anyone from #4 who would you be?:


What would you change about #3:

They are perfect like this

Random quote or saying from someone in group #1:


Would a collab with #2 and #5 work?:

not sure

If you had to choose between seeing #4 or #2 who would you choose?

#2 of course



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