Secrets Never Stay Secrets || Joo JaeMi


application ---




Contact Info ---

AFF Username: It's_JangMi123

AFF Profile Link:


Character Info ---

Name: Joo JaeMi

Nickname(s): Jae

Ethnicity: Korean

Spoken Languages: Korean || Japanese

Blood Type: B

Height & Weight: 166cm, 49kg

Birth Date & Age: Feb. 14, 1996 || 15

Birth Place & Hometown: Daegu, S. Korea


Character Bio ---

Personality:  JaeMi is a full-blown tomboy. She loves to cause trouble. She's energetic, hectic, rambunctious, rebellious, and loud. She's a good kid, but since she gets in fights a lot, she's misunderstood. She's labeled as a rebel. She hates rules, and being restricted.

She loves attention, and she loves being with people. She's really into skinship. She hates being ignored. She has a cute side that not many people see, because she thinks people won’t be able to take her seriously. If she really trusts you and feels comfortable around you, she will show her natural aegyo.

She's kind of a hopeless romantic, and secretly, she's crazy about boys. She hangs out with mostly boys because she hates the drama that girls can cause.. She likes being in control and gets irritated easily, causing fights. She is very competitive and hates losing.

She hates showing her feelings, other than mischievous and happiness. She feels that showing feelings makes her weak and girlish. She hates girly things and most gossipy tish girls in general. She is very protective of her friends, so when people mess with them, or they get involved with the wrong kind of people, she will interfere.

She is the epitome of 'tough love'. If she is a little mean or rough towards someone, that means she really cares for them. Other than skinship, this determines if she trusts you and cares for you. Usually, when she has a crush, she will constantly and play fight with him. If she is in a relationship, however, she is sweet and romantic, and does loads of skinship.


Background:  Jae comes from a middle class family, but when she was 10 she was signed to be a model for a popular brand of clothes and makeup, she moved  out and now she lives on her own, working 2 jobs. Her mother and father both support her, and she still remains close to them, even though they don’t talk much. She and her family try to keep her two identities separate.

Secret: Goes by the name ‘JangMi’ when modeling and wears a wig and contacts to make herself look different.

Job: Barista/ model

Likes: Orange || sour candy || baked goods || music || skinship || hats

Dislikes: girly-girls || pink || veggies || gossip || idiots || working

Hobbies: Skateboarding || rapping || fist-fights

Habits: her lower lip when competitive || smirks when she knows she’s right || bites her lip when thinking

Trivia: Has a small birthmark of a star on her wrist || has a scar on her stomach from a fight(she covers it with makeup) || can be very observant

Drink/Smoke/Swear?: Swear


School ---

Grade: Junior

Status: School's Tomboy

Letter Grades: A/B's

Favorite Class: P.E.

Least Favorite Class:  Math

Clubs/Sports: Dance, track

Ever get in trouble?: All the time ;D


Relationships ---

Parents: Jae's relationship with her parents is very reserved. She only talks to them when necessary, but they don't fight often and remain moderately close. 

Siblings: Jae is an only child

Friends: Bang Yongguk || Looks scary, but is really goofy and bright. Has a gummy smile and is very protective || Met in detention when Jae was a freshmen, Yongguk thought she was cute and decided to claim her. 

Jung DaeHyun || Is quiet, but gives great advice and is a good listener || met through Yongguk

Love Interest: Choi JunHong(Zelo)/Bang Yongguk/Choi JongHyun(Changjo)

Bright and goofy. Naive and often very innocent, loves skinship and spending time with Jae. Protective and romantic. || Met when Jae pulled a prank on their math teacher when she was a Sophmore

Status with Love Interest: New Couple C;

Your Ex(s): none

Rival: SNSD Yoona || She is a girly-girl and a snob who loves to ruin Jae’s life ever since Jae played a prank on her


Appearance --- 

Ulzzang Name: Jang HaeByeol


Back-up Ulzzang Name: Hong Younggi




All Done ---

Anything Else: Nu :3



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