Read This!!!!

Hey guys!!! I just got photoshop so I dabbled a little..Not a pro yet, of course..

I just want to show you guys something I did last night...



THe original pic was of Battle Royale contestants..

This would be my newest project but it would be carried out at the end of this year...

The plot is not mine, it belongs fully to the manga artist..

The story Battle Royale has been as a manga, film and a novel but I only have read the manga and the film...

Actually I don't know if I would want to do this cuz it's not really my story but it would be fun to do this and it will have over 100+ chapters. This would be a spinoff of the spinoff of Battle Royale... Remember my one shot 3 Days.. ?

If you don't then, here's the link..


The one shot is like a teaser but in the spin-off of the spin-off, Amber won't be there, sorry! 

Cuz I can't find a character that suits her and I don't want to see her die...

Th e good news is this fic wil have a lot of love story and the main characters are, of course, TaeLli!!!

I'm thinking of doing something like this for CHungDam High School's Special Class

You know, the poster not the storyline...

But I'm still new at photoshop so I don't know what to do yet and it's not like my sis wants to help me....


So please respond if you would like to read this Battle Royale sppin-off spin-off....

All comments are appreciated!!


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nisyaz #1
I can't help you with posters, you have to learn it yourself, <br />
plus you didn't even say what you wanted to do. <br />
You only said <br />
"Kakak nak buat poster" <br />
BUT WHAT KIND OF POSTER I don't know, it depends on your creativity and you can only ask people like how to cut images etc etc move etc etc the rest you have to do it yourself