Top 5 Favorites~


Pick 5 of your favorite Kpop Groups (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:

  1. Super Junior
  2. CN Blue
  3. SHINee
  4. MBLAQ


Who is your favorite person from #2:

I'd definitely have to say Yonghwa, because I saw him in two dramas and his voice just kills me. He's so handsome. <3

Who is your least favorite from #1:

I love them all too much, I really can't choose a least favorite.

What is your favorite song from #4:

Either Cry, Mona Lisa, or Stay. <3

What is your favorite era from #5:

The "Keep Your Head Down" era.

What is your favorite OTP from #3:

I have a few; 2min, JongTae, JongKey, and OnTae.

What is your least favorite OTP from #2:

I don't have a least favorite, I like them all paired together. They could have a fivesome, and I'd be perfectly okay with it.

How long have you been a fan of #1:

For a long time now...they were the first k-pop band I was introduced to. <3

Bias in #5:

Changmin, the handsome .

Favorite music video in group #4:

Cry, definitely. Great music video. <3

How did you find out about #3:

After listening to Super Junior, I sort of stumbled into SHINee with the help of my friend Lina. :3

Favorite thing about group 4:

Every guy in the group is extremely talented and gorgeous. It seriously stuns me how amazing they are.

Most played song on your cellphone/ Ipod from group #2:

OwO...either Wanna Be Like You or One Of A Kind. <3

Rank favorite to least from #1, #2, #5:


Super Junior:














-Zhou Mi



CN Blue:



-Jonghyun & Jungshin






-Jaejoong & Yoochun


Which have you seen more variety shows from #1, #3:

Probably #1.

If you could be anyone from #4 who would you be?:

Seungho, his voice is so flipping good, it makes me feel all good inside...that didn't sound right. >.>

What would you change about #3:

Nothing, they're perfect the way they are. <3

Random quote or saying from someone in group #1:

"Do we need to know each other's face to really care and love one another?

I barely know your face.

But I already really love you.


Maybe because that's the real meaning of Ever Lasting Friends."

-Leeteuk, my love. <3

Would a collab with #2 and #5 work?:


If you had to choose between seeing #4 or #2 who would you choose?

Nuhh, don't do this to me. But probably...#2. I absolutely love their sound and I am completely head over heels for Yonghwa...although I love MBLAQ too, and am in love with Thunder...gahh. I can't choose. Dx


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