Dear readers,


Dear Readers,

I know it’s been a month since I last updated anything on either of my blogs, but I promise I’m working on my stories and requests. I haven’t forgotten, haha :) School and life has just been taking up a lot of my time and seriously, I’m totally just done with this week, ugh I’m so tired. But since it’s been a while, I’ll try to update Cakes Redux this weekend and maybe a Sehun one-shot later. Thank you all for your patience! Just wait a while longer!


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Poppy1231 #1
Take your time :) school is pretty much eating my time too.
NP author~nim, school has made me super busy too! T^T But yur one of my favorite authors, so
i'll definitely wait! Don't pressure yourself and HWAITING!! btw EXO M won best group awards at the China music awards shows, with EXO as a whole won best dressed :D