

Name: Skylar Lee

Age: 19

Bio: She and her family moved to different countries since she was a baby because of her parents work.Her father is a well known producer while her mother was afamous model and now is a well known photographer.

Personality:Is a very cheeky and sometimes straight forward.Very cheerful and hyper girl even though had a hectic schedule.Very reponsible,always there if somethings wrong.Can give good advices to solve your problems.Someone you can trust .Easy to cope with.Can be very understanding.And if you have problems you can always go to her because she is very good at listening and can be very helpful.Has lot of aegyo but doesnt know it

Role: nerd

Crush: heechul


College for: singing and dancing,and because her parents wants her to go to this schooll





~ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!

~hanging out





~two faced

~horror movies

~naggy people


Talents: singing,dancing,rapping,ice skating,flexibility,speaking different languages,writing music and playing different kinds of instruments

Sports: volleyball,basketball,tennis and baseball

other: likes to cook and take selcas

Picture: (






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Oh and the role nerd is taken so you have to chose from either jock or princess disease instead :c Sorry you have to make changes!
thanks for applying but Heechul is already taken ^^; is there another guy you can change your crush too? ^^ sorry!