Why She's My Bestfriend

Reasons why kk4everfighting is one of my very bestfriends.


1) She's totally spazztacular

  this is how we fangirl. x)


2) is cuter than a button!

like this kind of cute!


  not even kidding


3) Zhou Mi ('nuff said)



4) Is there when I need someone to talk to.



5) Has the best personality in the whole world!

  we are plotting together >X)

Need I give anymore reasons? She's just so awesome, I can no longer explain with words.

So I will explain in pictures! :D

 we want candy! x)


Kk4everfighting, My bestfriend in the whole world. I have no idea what I would do without her. I would probably be like Kyuhyun and be talking on the phone with no one if it wasn't for her (and now you know that I'm not the director. ^^").


I luvs u dongsaeng!

errmm... let's try that again.


 now that's better!

(sorry about the ridculous pic sizes, I'm not as great with technology as she is. ^^")

     ~ AnimeKitty Unnie



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I love you too unnie!!!
Ready for a super post by me?? (I'm totally excited to go do that now)
* big hug *
and PS: I can take this as an early birthday present ;)
AnimeKitty #2
That's how it should be when you're talking about your bestfriend. when you start the list of what you love about them, it never ends. I had to limit mine because it would just keep going on and on. ^^"
I wish I could put down more, but I wouldn't know where to stop.
Aww, that's so sweet of you to do that for your friend! ^^ I've been wanting to do something similar for my best friend, but decided to wait until her birthday because once I start writing about her it'll go on and on and on... XD