My decision involving my "question"

First off, I wanna say a BIG THANK YOU to those who have responded. You have helped me make my decision so here it is:


The next time I see my boyfriend, (he lives in Hawaii and I live in Cali so I don't see him often) I will have a talk with him. Though before that I might have to tell him to tone the calling/texting down a little bit. If we can fix things and work it out then I'll be a happy camper and I'll probably post a bunch of sad one-shots. If we can't work it out (or if he keeps talking in circles which he has a tendency of doing) then I'll break it off and I'll be a sad camper and I'll probably post a bunch of happy one-shots. (idk why I'm weird like that)


For those of you who were asking me if I still loved him yes I do but for some reason our paths just don't meet the same way that they used to and it's causing friction in the relationship.


For those of you who haven't read my previous blog click here. If you have any comments or advice that you think might help, feel free to still leave a comment!

Once again I just wanna say thank you! You don't know how relieved I am to be able to go to someone because mi familia all seems to be on his side, all I hear is oh how great he is and how he is so good for me, so I couldn't go to them and it .


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If you still love him then I hope you can understand him. Maybe he act like that because he loves you so much.