Application for Infinite Perfection


Application for Infinite Perfection

username: mango_kirby

profile link: here~~

activeness: 9.8/10


name of ulzzang: Su Kyung

links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

backup ulzzang: Park Sora

links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


Nice to Meet You :D

Character Name: Peyton Lee

Age: 20

Date of Birth: October 22,  3995


It's Getting More Personal

Personality: Peyton is very shy and introverted.  She doesn’t talk to many people, forcing those close to her to speak in her place.  But underneath her extreme shyness, she is a very sweet girl and always wants to help those in need.  Those closest to her know that she won’t shut up about something she feels strongly about, until someone forces shut.  Peyton is mildly tempered; she doesn’t get angry easily but when she does, she takes a long time to cool back down which she does by crying it out.  She is a very smart girl but doesn’t seem that way by her ditzy comments or questions.

Background: Peyton’s memory gets foggy when she attempts to remember her past, only being able to remember bits of pieces.  Nothing too traumatic happened to her when she little, as far as she knows, leaving it a mystery to why she can’t remember anything up to age eight.  When she was twelve her parents left her in the care of her grandparents as they went off in an attempt to get out of the country.  Her grandparents lowered her rank from essential to moderate, with never bothered her.  Her grandmother died when she was fifteen, leaving her wedding ring in her possession. Peyton’s parents never came back and she never heard from them again but she believes they are still alive.

Clothing Style: She will anything comfortable and does not care to wear anything tight or too revealing.  She doesn’t usually have a preference of colour but finds herself wearing either black or grey most of the time.  She hates to wear high heels and will only wear them if they are 100% necessary.

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·         betta fish

·         sweet foods

·         rain

·         cuddling in a warm blanket after being out in the cold

·         baby animals


·         snow, ice, cold weather; anything to do with winter

·         cleaning messes that aren’t her own

·         thunder storms

·         being punished for something she didn’t do

·         small rooms packed with lots of people


·         wears her grandmothers wedding ring at all times

·         her puppy goes everywhere she goes

·         she is often zoned out


Official Business

Social Ranking: moderate

Birthplace: 2NE1, Judgement

Hometown: BAP, Order


Time to Meet Your Family :O

Mother's Name: Kim Heemi

Age: 44

Social Status: essential

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Father's Name: Lee Taehun

Age: 47

Social Status: essential

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Grandmother’s Name: Lee  Min Sun (deceased)

Age: 70

Social Status: moderate

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Grandfather’s Name: Lee Taeho

Age: 75

Social Status: moderate


You Have a Social Life?!

Friend's Name: Seo Hana

Age + Date of Birth: 22; May 23, 3993

Social Status: essential

Your First Meeting: Peyton and Hana practically grew up together, as their parents were close friends.  They grew even closer when both of their parents left the country, just weeks of each other.  They have a love-hate relationship, but they love each a good 80% of the time but annoy each other sometimes too.

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Enemy's Name: Lee Daniel

Age + Date of Birth: 30; July 39, 3985

Social Status: enforcer

Reason Why You Hate Each Other: Daniel had decided that he was kill an innocent person in a rage and choose Peyton as his target.  Needless to say Peyton, barely, survived and that day started their hatred.  He still tries to kill her or get her killed.


And You're Perfect Because...?

Reason for Entering Tournament: Peyton entered the tournament as a way to, hopefully, show her parents that she wasn’t worthless.  Also to show the leaders of the countries how strong she was, her strength was almost inhuman but she easily hid it under her fragile frame.

Special Skills: almost inhuman strength, can go for hours at a time without becoming overly fatigued, can lock onto her targets


We're Fated to be Together

Lover's Name: Jang Dongwoo

Age + Date of Birth: 22; November 22, 3993

Social Status: elite

Personality: He is goofy and dorky outside of when he is duty where he seems to be without a single emotion.  His smile can cheer someone up and also make their blood run cold.  He laughs a lot, even if it’s just about random things that most people don’t find funny.

Background:  He grew up with a hard life even being an elite, having to take care of himself from a very young age seeing his parents had abandoned him.  His stone cold appearance while on duty came from these hard times.

Special Skills: rarely defeated, can read his opponents moves before they strike

Scene Request: something funny like comic relief, so like dorky and sweet but it makes you laugh

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Backup Lover's Name: Lee Sungjong

Age + Date of Birth: 19; September 3, 3996

Social Status: enforcer

Personality: He always has to be the center of attention, no matter if he’s on duty or not.  Basically he is a diva, more than most girls are.  He rarely acts like a man should but he will if he finds that one girl that he has to protect.

Background: He was raised by his uncle who taught him everything he needed to know about being an enforcer.  He worked at everything that was given to him especially his place as a high class enforcer.

Special Skills:  easily distracts his opponents

Scene Request: something dorky above, nothing crazily sickly sweet


Time to Say Goodbye...

Last thoughts: hm… feel free to change anything. go right ahead

Suggestions: um… nothing.

Password: infiniteperfection


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