The Effects of Gangnam Style

Don't get me wrong. I'm absolutely ESTATIC that Psy has breeched the fortress we call the American market. I mean isn't this what us Kpop fans have been waiting for since...................forever? BUT there are somethings we need to consider. How is it that songs that were targeted for the American market weren't even spared a glance. Yet Psy comes out with a song in nothing but KOREAN and everyones on this crap like Onew would be if it were chicken. I honestly thought that it would be 2NE1 and/or BIGBANG to make it in the American market. They're everything Kpopa isn't usually. Please don't misunderstand Psy is in his own little category too, and I love cutesy aegyo as much as the next fangirl.( but in America where celebrities are known for their controversy and -appeal, our cute little babies couldnt make it. America isn't ready for such pure innocence.)2NE1 and BIGBANG have an I don't give a f*** about what you think attitude that resembles so many American artists'. Their style is soooooooo Hip-hop, R&B, and out there that you can't help but look at them. Yes, BIGBANG won an American award.Yes, CL preformed with the black eyed peas. But this proves nothing. I want world domination. Once again, I would like to state that I am proud of Psy for doing something that four months ago seemed impossible. Just like everyone else when that video came out I watched it 1234578909874477877856 times. Just because its a good song and its funny. With that being said, when I heard my friends talking about Gangnam Style one day I was confused. I had told them about countless Kpop songs and countless different Kpop artists never to recieve a response. When I asked them where they heard about this song from,I was told Twitter. Now, of course, I had heard about the different celebrities that had tweeted about it. I payed it no mind though. I mean how may people would go look up a foreign song in a foreign language just be cause their favorite celebrity tweeted it about it? We Americans can be that easily swayed? Right? Wrong, because thousands of us where. Psy looks nothing nothing like most of our "Oppa's", "Noona's", or "Unnie's". He's an average looking man, and I see nothing wrong with that. He has enough talent where that isn't even an issue. But Americans already stereotype asians as dorky and funny looking, and Gangnam Style has done nothing to counter act that. So now that Psy has been exposed nation wide, signed to an American record label, appeared on American TV shows. America will expecting every Kpop star to LOOK. LIKE. HIM. They will be expecting every Kpop star to BE. LIKE. HIM.  They will be expecting Kpop stars to come out with songs JUST. LIKE. HIS.  Can you imagine a song like SHINee's Lucifer, B.A.P.'s Power, or even EXO's MAMA to make it in the American market now that Psy has broken through with his party anethem? Cause I can't. It will now be impossible for anything short of funny and stupid ( I use this in an endearing manner) to be reconised here. And thats sad cause not every Kpop song is like Gangnam style. You can go anywhere from Beautiful Target to The Chaser and back. So yes we all have a reason to be bouncing of the walls riding our invisible horses, making our parents wonder whether we're high or not. But please realize that with this success comes a failure that won't be able to be fixed. Maybe I'm wrong., and I pray that I am.Maybe a serious ballad will break through. And then I will be truely happy, because my friends it's time for Kpop to be known world wide. I WANT WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!


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Well, thinking back everything you stated. It's kinda true. At first, I'm not interested at all with the Gangnam Style. I thought it's just another typical catchy KPOP song, but when my mom and my friend, who hates KPOP (but I'm able to endure with it) mention it. That's when I thought, "Okay, Psy might have dominated the KPOP with Gangnam Style." And you know, somehow, the song sounds lil' stupid at some parts. And yeah, I wonder why artists such as SHINee, Super Junior, Bigbang, 2NE1, SNSD, Infinite and many more which produce better music can't be like Psy. (I mean topped the world, not being stupid in some ways)