THE MIX Application | Alexis Choi

「 Account Info 

Username: choialexis

Link to profile: clickme.

「 About Me (Character Info) 

Name: Choi Eunhee / Alexis Choi

Nickname(s): Lexi, Lex, Eunhee, Kiddo, Your Highness

Age: 17

Birthday: September 7th 1995

Height: 171cm

Weight: 46kg

Place Of Birth: London

Hometown: London

Ethnicity: Korean-British

Languages: English, French (fluent) Korean, Japanese (basic)

「 When I look into the mirror this is what I see... 

Ulzzang: Kim Dohee

What does she look like? : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Backup ulzzang: Jo So Yeon

What does she look like?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

My true self 

Personality: On the first glance, people might think that Lexi is a quiet girl with an extremely polite manner and heavy british accent, it somehow made her look like a princess. But after people get to know her, people usually find Lexi as a childish girl who is quite stubborn and clumsy. Her childishness raises its peak when she’s being around her family since she’s the youngest kid. She’s sometimes so naïve and asks million questions to people when she’s being curious. When it comes to her friends, she becomes a very caring person and always listens to them, she often gives them advices even though not the best one. She likes to tease people around her, including the Lee Sooman ahjussi. She always looks for partner in crime for her pranks. It’s the same when she’s on interview, she can’t just sit there and talk, but she will do something like pulling other members’ hair or simply touching her cheeks. She likes to do aegyo, she enjoys being cute and shows it off to people. She doesn’t really talk much, though, so she often considered as 4D princess.

Despite her naïve side, she really is not an easy type; she won’t settle for less, she will strive for what she wants. She easily gets bored too, especially when she was on training period, she would walk around like a zombie with straight face. All she needs when she gets bored is encouragement from people around her. She hates lies the most; she just can barely tolerate it, she'd rather hear truth even though it hurts her.

Character/Family Background:  Lexi was born in London, United Kingdom where her paternal family from South Korea settled in 1950s. Her father met her mother who is pure British and got married, bore two children, Alexis and her brother, Peter. After finishing her lower school in Westminster School, London, she and her family moved back to Seoul due to her father’s official duty. Her brother knew his passion since he was little, he entered musical academy and debuted as professional pianist who held concerts around the globe. Even though she likes music too, she didn't know about her talent or her passion before she auditioned. Her experience of singing is only singing for Church and School's choir.

Lexi doesn’t like to boast about her family, even though she’s rich and everything. Her family are also down-to-earth people, her mother for instance, usually calls Lexi’s members to have dinner or barbeque on her residence. Her mother loves travelling and very active on social networks, she likes to tell Lexi’s fans about Lexi’s condition (and sometimes her embarrassing secrets too!). Her brother is a cool guy, he likes both classical and hip-hop music, that’s why he supported Lexi to join a girlband, so maybe Peter can compose a song for her girlband.  Though her father is always busy, but he loves his family very much, he eventually shows his love to her only daughter by sending her gifts. He owns a building on Gangnam where the Lexi filmed one of her music video with her group.

Likes: chocolate, milk, gummy bear, shoes, books, concert

Dislikes: blood, shattered glass, rats, worms, cockroaches, sasaengs

Hobbies: sleeping, reading, listening to music, driving, diving

Habits: touching her cheeks almost everytime, mixing languages in one sentence, left her important stuffs somewhere, left messages unreplied, waves and gives fans highfive


-blood type O


-natural cooking talent XD

-didn't do any plastic surgery, she's a mix so she has uniquely pretty face

-she’s so smart, she got A* on two GSCE tests (final exam in Britain)

-good with piano, guitar and flute

-good at singing and rap, not the stiffest one but the slowest to learn dance

-likes to read fanfics about herself

-unconsciously kicks everyone who sleeps beside her

-favorite number: 7 | color: pink | food: ramen

-can hardly sit for a long time without doing anything

「 Family & Friends 

Family members:

Father | Choi Ji Sung | 54 | British Petroleum Company CEO

Mother | Elizabeth Choi / née Blue-Richards | 48 | Housewife

Elder brother | Choi Ji Woo / Peter Choi | 22 | Professional Pianist

Friends: Jennie Kim | 16 | YG Ent trainee (will debut soon on Pink Punk) | Jennie is Lexi’s friend on her new school and since they both lived outside Korea since they were little, they became closer and being trainee made them even closer

Krystal Jung | 18 | f(x) | She’s Lexi’s soonbae in her school, a partner in crime for pranking their schoolmates

Lee Chaerin | 21 | 2NE1 | CL is a good unnie towards her, quite close to Lexi’s family and vice versa

Rival: Lee Ahreum | 18 | T-ARA | She's a queen bee and recently stole Lexi's role on school's drama because of her good voice

「 THEMIX's Member Info. 

How were you discovered?

Trainee for: 2 years 5 months

Stage Name: Lexi

Position: Lead Vocalist & Lead Dancer

Persona: Royal Highness--due to her heavy british accent

Your fanclub name: Exist

I just need somebody to love~ 

Love Interest: Kris Wu | 22 | EXO-M

How did you meet? When Lexi first entered the company, she couldn't speak fluent Korean and there was this Chinese-Canadian guy who helped her. Her first impression about him may be cold and scary, but they eventually got closer when they found various things in common between them. Lexi could express herself pretty well for the first time too because Kris can speak English. Kris started to talk about his personal stuff--like his family, to Lexi and she also shares her story with him.

Backup love interest: Park Chanyeol | 20 | EXO-K

How did you meet? He was Lexi's fanboy from the very beginning of her trainee period, Lexi liked his funny-derpy personality especially when he always makes her smile after her gloomy days

Any ex-boyfriend? N/A

Why did you break up?

「 (^u^)

Any suggestion for THEMIX's fanclub name? Miximum

Fanclub color: { }             { }             {x}          

Anything else you want to tell me? Good luck with your story! Here I give you some bonus kkk: Lexi with her brother Peter ^^

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