My Broken Promises... TT

Okay, okay, okay. So I promised my readers I'd update my story within a week. 

Yeah right. 

It's been, what, four months since I've updated Beyond our Strengths? I haven't ditched the story or anything, but after dropping it for so long, I'm not really sure if I want it to go the direction I originally planned it to go. My original plotline was long and complicated and went on forever, forever and forever. In the beginning, I didn't actually plan out how everything was going to go, because I'm a writer who writes as she pleases - this means that even if I had planned out everything beautifully, I'd probably still end up changing about 60% of plotline to achieve the finished product. 

Looking back at the first chapter or the prologue or the whatever I've decided to call it, the first chapter of Beyond our Strengths suddenly seemed.... rushed. I feel as if I've moved everything too quickly as I repeatedly read through my work over and over.... I'm really not too sure. 

I don't even know how to start the second chapter; it's definitely been on my mind, floating around in the background. After about a year's hiatus from fanfiction writing-dom, I feel as if I've lost the creative touch and my descriptions are dreary and tedious.

Rant aside, I will work hard to get my feels going to update Beyond our Strengths before September ends... hopefully. Other things on my mind include Personal Projects, tests, camp, more tests, Mr Introvert, annoying friends, hot guys on my bus/train station, ya di ya da. 


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