ℰɱρℛℯϛϛ || [ Jin Ha Sung ]

   Wow, fantastic baby! 8D


Hello Hello!

I may be rushing a bit
Who knows? We might end up doing well

AFF username: iuandjiyoonbeautyfan

AFF profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/123990

Activity-rate: 6 to 7-ish

Are you a troll? Um... no? XD



Da Girl Brings the Boys Out

Imma be the hottest in this spot, there ain't no stopping me
I know life is a mystery I’m gonna make history

Name: Jin HaSung

Nickname/s: ChanSung (Cold Sung)--the other members and trainees, because she seems cold. A joke because 2PM also has a Chansung.

SungSung--sister, for no reason.

Sungie--Parents, for short.

Stage name: HaJin

Birthdate: 03/15/1990

Age: 22

Height: 157

Weight: 46

Hometown & birthplace: Seoul, Seoul, Seoul.

Ethnicity: 3/4 Korean, 1/4 French on mom's side

Languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (basic), French (very basics), English (basic)



Even if I hide it, I twinkle

Don't take your eyes off me, fall into my charm
Even if I covered in veil, I obviously twinkle

Ulzzang: Park Soo Yeon

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

Back-up ulzzang: Lee Yeon Ju or Mikki

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5



Watch out of the Paparazzi!

Saying that the more you show the more you shine
Here and there boom boom boom



I'm just wild and young

Because I'm different, because that's just me

One of a kind, get back, this isn't a joke

Personality: Ha Sung is a normal, Korean Seoul girl. She's a bit different though--her face barely shows emotions. She smiles sometimes, practically never cries, and is known to be scary when angry--which is not a lot of times. She might seem cold, but she's not. It's only that she isn't a 'visual' person. Though her face muscles may not move, though, she has plenty of emotions inside her eyes. People who knows her best knows when she's happy, sad, frustrated, etc. just by looking at her eyes. To people just knowing her, or strangers, they just seem blank and void of emotion like the rest of her face. She can crack good jokes when she's really happy, though, and is a great listener. She's actually kindhearted, nice, and caring, but she doesn't show it.

She's the most straightforward person in the world, and is a stubborn blood type A. Her passion for singing brought her to win many competitions at school and nationwide, which made her a trainee. Ha Sung is really a passionate and strong person, not moody and is calm and collected most times. She doesn't swear or call people bad things, but she does say it in a weird way--like instead of saying, "you're st*p*d!" She says, "It seems you aren't as intelligent as I thought, but that's okay." Get the drift?

She's pretty popular because she declined to all the kingka's requests to date them and her cold expressions, as well as her singing and beauty. She grabbed the attention of many boys, but so far she has not dated with anyone at all. She's really innocent, and is always honest (that's why she's straightforward).

Family Background: Ha Sung's family is normal. She has a younger sister, a mom and a dad, and is a loving family. Yay :)


  • Singing: Takes out stress. Is fun.
  • Squirrels: Thinks them cute.
  • Little newborn babies: Thinks them cuter than squirrels. So tiny and unbelievably small toenails and fingernails surprises her.
  • Fans: Feels loved. And who doesn't like feeling loved? :)
  • Happy Faces (:)): Makes her feel happier
  • When people say 'you've made my day': It makes her day, too.
  • Poems: Likes how it rhymes, how it sounds, how it matches with tempo.
  • Ballads: Doesn't require dancing, and she doesn't enjoy dancing a lot.
  • Strawberry: Everything strawberry is great for her. Is deeelicious.


  • Dancing: Feels it doesn't fit her, and she doesn't fit it. Is slightly a klutz.
  • Animal : Disgusting, gross, utterly and uberly yucky.
  • Chipmunks: They're cute, too, but thinks of them as rivals of squirrels which she loves, so doesn't like them.
  • Nosy people: Who loves THEM?
  • Liars: Since she is an honest and innocent person, she gets tricked by them, so she has many bad memories.
  • Popcorn: Doesn't taste good to her.
  • Broccoli: Doesn't taste good to her.
  • Cows and Milk: They're too big for her, and the sounds they make scares her. Milk comes from cows, so she doesn't like them either.


  • Reading
  • Swimming
  • Studying
  • Looking at nature
  • Playing her flute
  • Cooking

Habits: GOOD: None. BAD: All. Ish. They're not really bad, nor good, so...

  • in her cheeks when very, very frustrated.
  • Flashing her eyes at someone when getting angrier.
  • Fiddling with her shirt/dress/fabric when nervous.
  • Folding napkins or tissues over and over and over again when anxious.


  • She wanted to move to America and go to Harvard before deciding to become an idol.
  • Her ideal type is someone who can understand her and love her to the fullest.
  • She has two dogs at home and one huge tank of goldfish.
  • Even though she has two dogs, she's more of a cat person.
  • Her favorite letter of the English alphabet is "n" because flipped up, it's N, sideways, it's Z, and the lower case flipped is u.
  • She used to be very emotional until after 1st grade.
  • She wants to marry someone who also has "Jin" for a last name, so her family name can go on.
  • Her name and her sister's names are  mixtures of her parent's names.
  • Her twitter is @maskedhj



Love, is the only way

All day I keep thinking about you

I love you everyday in everyway

Family members: Jin Ho Sung | 46 | Flight Attendant | Very kind and thoughtful, never judges people by their covers. | Very close, so they both talk, chat, etc. like two best friends. | 7 (She's not home a lot)

Jin Ha Lin | 49 | Auto mechanic | Nice, thoughtful, considerate, courteous. Always a boulder for Ha Sung to lean on. | Very close, always discussing problems and solutions, debating, and cooking together | 9

Jin Ho Lin | 15 | Student | Playful, funny, daring, but considerate and cautious. Nice. | The closest member of the family. Knows all of each other's secrets, helps each other out, but quarrels and blackmails each other all the time, too. | 10

Bestfriend/s: Jeon Jiyoon | 22 | Singer/idol | Playful, funny, lame but trying, aegyo-full, thoughtful, kind, adventurous | Tell each other the lamest jokes alive, then laugh at it (at least, Jiyoon does. Usually, her mission is to make Ha Sun smile.) and chat around | 8 (busy)

Friend/s: Kwon Sohyun | 17/18 | Singer/idol | Playful, whiny, mature-ish, daring | Just drink coffee or something while talking | 5 (busy)

How's your relationship with other YG artists? Close to CL of 2NE1 because once, they had to share a room as trainees and got close.


Lover: Kim Sunggyu | 23 | Leader of Infinite | Courteous, funny, fun, happy | Just, say "hi" and awkwardly smile at each other bowing a thousand times

How did/will you meet him? On a music program.

Status: Crush

Back-up lover: Jinwoon | 23 | Vocal of 2AM | Playful, happy, daring and adventurous, fun at all times, funny | Good friends, good friends. Just acting like good friends, but kind of like frienemies, like rivaling each other all the time and betting, etc.

How did/will you meet him? Was introduced to him by Jiyoon.

Relationship status: Tom and Jerry :)



I'm ready, ready to go

Everyone look over here, look at me now

I'm the dynamite that'll blow this speaker apart


  • Main vocalist 5
  • Main rapper 3
  • Main dancer 1
  • Lead Vocalist 3
  • Lead Rapper 4
  • Lead dancer 1
  • Sub-Vocalist 4
  • Sub-Rapper 4
  • Sub-Dancer 1
  • Triple Threat 1
  • Jack of all trades 2

Back-up position:

  • Main vocalist 3
  • Main rapper 2
  • Main dancer 1
  • Lead Vocalist 2
  • Lead Rapper 3
  • Lead dancer 2
  • Sub-Vocalist 5
  • Sub-Rapper 5
  • Sub-Dancer 2
  • Triple Threat 2
  • Jack of all trades 5

*min. 2 links for each ;)

Singing: 1 2 3

Dancing: 1 (after much much practice) 2 (last girl on right)

Rapping: 1 (starting 2:14) 2 (Here and there)

Persona: Masked Empress

Personal fanclub: See-All | Black



I got the power !

It’s time to move and the anthem of the strong and weak will break that fight

We’ll raise the new wind of this world, so everyone follow us and move over


Trainee years: 5 years

How you got discovered: Korea-Wide Singing Contest -- Ranked 3rd

Other jobs you wanna do: None.



I went round and round and came back here to start again

You'll never know if tomorrow will be the end

Everyone goes towards our future, forget about regrets, don't be afraid

Debut song suggestions: 4Minute Huh.

Comments / anything you wanna tell me:  Hope you like. :) And one going on WGM should be cool (not neccessarily me)

Request scenes? Nothing :)

Password: Here XD


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