The End is Coming

*looks up*

Sounds so dramatic, I know. But it's true.

I learned today, snapping out of my reverie, that we should really watch how we live our lives.

After all, He might just come tomorrow.

If He really were to come tomorrow, what would you say to Him? What would you be able to say to Him? If He asks you why He should let you into His kingdom, will you be able to say a lot?

Honestly, I haven't done anything.

I've barely even dusted the surface; I still have so much more, if only I will let Him in everyday...

It's hard, I know. He knows too, which is why He sent us the Holy Spirit residing in each and every one of us to help us.

Plus, His mercy and grace has allowed us to live - us, such unworthy, forgetful, ungrateful beings.

We need to live in a way that others can see us and recognize that some unfathomable peace is ruling our lives, and that is Our Father's amazing peace, so that they may try. We have to be mirrors of His love, so as to make disciples like He has said.


We have to stop worrying.

Stop worrying.

Stop worrying.

And stop worrying.

He will provide, and He has a way to turn an ugly thing into a beautiful message, and to make floating puzzle pieces click together.

Don't take it for granted, but don't ignore it and not believe it either.

Just Him.

And you'll do great things through Him who gives you strength. If you finally understand the depths of His love, it'll be impossible to keep the thanks inside; and sure, the devil will try to trump us many times, but He has said to see all trials and tribulations as something to be grateful for, for we will lean on Him even more and grow more into the person He wants us to be.

Just love Him.

And follow His commands.

And all will fall into place.

And know that we are not alone, but we have a mission to accomplish.

Be the light and salt, before judgment reigns.

Before He comes back down onto all creation.

We could do this - We have Him by our side ^^ The One and Only~


Thank you, Lord, for teaching me this through my awesome Bible Study teacher ^^ May you bless everyone today...



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I felt so peaceful after reading this.
You're really wise unnie,you sure do have an awesome teacher.
Thank you so much for this message.
AMEN! :)
wow, thats deep unnie c: