My Application~


Name: Jeon Jihye
Age: 18
Bio: Jihye isn't exactly a rich girl. But she is vain and loves to be in the spotlight. Many people think she is rich because of this, but she isn't. Her father passed away when she was 8, thus causing her to have an incomplete childhood. Her mother tried her best to raise her up. Jihye isn't a good student either. She tries to score better but she can't put her mind to studies as she thinks she isn't cut out for it.
Personality: When she meets her sunbaes/seniors for the first time, Jihye will tend to shy away from them and keep quiet. However, if they get to know each other better, Jihye's eccentric and hyper side will soon be revealed. She is an active girl, who likes to keep on chatting with friends and having fun. However, unlike others, she also has times when she will want to stay in bed and think about her life. She doesn't like to be left out in anything and has an outgoing personality, thus making her likeable among people. When she meets new friends who are of her age, she will sometimes try to approach them first and strike a conversation with them. She doesn't really care what bad things others say about her, as long as she thinks she is not wrong. She isn't a straightforward girl, as she finds it hard to be direct with others. Her friends might speak straight-to-the-point, but when it comes to bad things or complaints, Jihye likes to 'wrap it nicely' by putting it in a nice way.
However, Jihye has a temper. She gets frustrated easily and finds it hard to trust people who have lied to her before. She is sometimes paranoid too. Jihye is also a perfectionist, she doesn't like to accomplish tasks with flaws. She believes that if she must do it, she will do it to her best. Jihye isn't a sports person, in fact she is bad at sports. She hates jogging the most. She is also bad at Math and Science. She is also an AB+. Jihye is also very emotional. She gets happy and sad easily. A minute she's crying, another minute she laughs. She's quite unpredictable. She gets curious about the weirdest things, and also out of the blue. Out of a sudden, she can get curious and go research on how ice-cream came about, or ask questions like 'Does egg or chicken come first?" She has a policy too: You treat me nicely, I treat you nicely. You treat me badly, I treat you badly. That's exactly how she is. She is usually a peace-maker in her group of friends. Somehow, she can see the both sides of the problem. This causes her to be stuck in between.
Jihye finds it hard to express her love for her family easily. She has never said a word of 'I love you' to her family before. However, she finds it easy to say to her friends. On the inside, she loves her family a lot. She is sometimes stubborn too, she doesn't like to admit her mistakes if she believes she is right. Surprisingly, she thinks she looks better in person than compared to in photos. Jihye has a great memory too, according to others. But she doesn't think so. In fact, she thinks she is easily forgetful and careless, thus causing her mistakes in her Math and Science. She loves to eat a lot, but gains weight easily too. Jihye usually doesn't care about the consequences, she does things and worries about them later. That's what causes her problems sometimes. Jihye is a fond believer of horoscopes. She reads it everyday when she wakes up, which leads to her strong belief of love and romance. She likes to read romance novels and she squeals easily when she reads them. She finds it hard to do a specific thing for a prolonged period of time, which thus causes her to lose interest easily. She gets lazy but the interest will soon come back, but it is not guaranteed.
Role: The good-looking diva
- The colours white and black
- To dance [randomly]
- To learn new things
- Big, fluffy soft toys
- Children
- FOOD! :D
- People who judge her
- Stereotypes
- Very high places
- Being pranked
- Jogging
- People who look down on others
- Math and Science
Talents: She has a secret talent of playing the piano. She is also a good speaker and a skilled singer. However, not many know that.
Sports: She doesn't like sports, especially jogging.
Other: I hope this wasn't too long-winded xP Hope you'll accept me. Thanks for reading^^


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Thank you so much! :D
Thank you so much for applying! I will look over your character but you are part of the crew new. I saved Onew just for you and thank you sooo much for applying truly ^^ <br />
Let me know if theres anything else you may need to know about the story and anything i may neeed to know. ^^<br />
enjoy the story ^^