Wait, We're Going To Be Boyfriend's GIRLFRIENDS?!? application

AFF username: nothings-over

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/32665

Name: Jeon Ji Hye

Nickname: Kei (japanese name)

Age: 17

Birthday: October 26, 1993













Pesonality: Ji Hye is someone that you don't notice right away, someone who is always on the sidelines. She's the type of person who watches over everyone around her and prioritizes everyone else to the point that she forgets herself. It's almost unfair to herself how she completely puts everyone else in front. Ji Hye is the type of person who never needs to be asked to help, because she'll automatically go over to help whoever is in need. She is like an older sister to everyone and never hesitates to offer a piece of advice or to tell someone that she's free to talk if she notices someone seems down. She is the best listener and always knows when it is right to ask and when someone should be left alone. Don't be mistaken though. She is by no means shy, and can be talkative if she finds a topic interesting or she feels like it. Ji Hye is someone who others know they can go to for advice because her advice always seems to be spot on. She is someone who understands others' emotions perfectly and seems to know how people are feeling or what they are thinking without them having to say anything. Ji Hye loves to be of help to others and will go out of her way to help those around her. If someone loses something, she will secretly spend her own time looking for it, and then miraculously, in the morning, it will have appeared on that person's desk. Ji Hye puts everyone in front of her and is probably the most selfless person you will ever meet. However, do know that she isn't faking it or that she's trying to be or is perfect. What compels her to act as she does? Well, read below.

Past: Ji Hye was born and raised in Kyoto, Japan. Her mother is Korean while her father is Japanese. Her mother and father own a small tea house. She has an older brother named Ji Hyuk, who is three years older than her. Once, when she was in elementary school, she lost the necklace her brother had given to her. After having searched for hours, and crying over the fact that she lost it, she went to sleep. The next morning, she saw the necklace sitting on her desk with a small note written next to it saying: When someone else needs help, you'll be there like I was for you, right? This is what caused Ji Hye to do as she does, because she wants to prove to that person that she can be like him.

Ji Hye grew up loving music. Her dream since she was in middle school has been to be a songwriter/lyricist. This came about because when she was in music class one day, her teacher asked her class to each write a song about something that means something to them. She decided to write one about her experience as a child, about karma, about acting in the shadows. Her teacher and class were so amazed that her teacher had her submit it to a competition. She didn't win, but she did get honorable mention, and from then on, she decided to pursue a career in songwriting. Her brother recommended for her to audition to be a trainee, and so she did. This is where her journey begins.


- songwriting!

- art

- museums

- Wheesung! (her greatest idol)

- ballads

- sharks!

- tea

- green tea flavored stuff

- J-pop

- mystery/detective novels

- foreign languages

- the color IVORY

- fruit (especially mangoes, blueberries, watermelon, and strawberries)

- crepes



- pollution

- insensitive people

- disruptive people

- people who dress in all one neon color and look like highlighters

- fatty or overly oily foods


Any hobbies or habits?

hobbies: songwriting!, playing guitar, sketching, painting (usually nature/landscapes), writing poetry, reading, flower pressing.

habits: tapping her finger on her head while thinking; chewing on her lip when nervous; playing with her shark necklace (yes the one her brother gave her) when bored.

Postion: LEADER! and vocals

A video link to the postion you chose:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBg31CL9FRM&feature=related (best to skip forward to the verse parts)

Lover: Hyunseong

Best friend: Rainbow's Cho Hyunyoung and Infinite's Lee Hoya


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