✠ 2014 Application Form ✠


AFF Username:--Angelmato--

AFF Profile Link: *ClickMeh*


Name: Kwon Camille

Nickname: Millie

Date of creation: 05 February 1997


Name of Ulzzang: Angelababy


Name of back-up Ulzzang: Baek Su Min



Personality: Camille is a very stubborn, strong-willed girl. She refuses to change who she is for anybody; she doesn't care who you are or who you think you are, if you want her to change it ain't happening. If your asking her to do something that is against her personal morals, she'll walk out loudly and leave without any regrets. She hates being told what to do; unless your an adult who possess some sort of meaning to her, she'll tell you "Mind your business, before i throw you off a cliff" with her famous smirk.

Camille doesn't and refuses to back down fomr a challenge; no matter how big or small. If she wants something you better believ she's going to get it and will do whatever it takes to get it. See the problem with that Camille tends to encounter is that she dosen't seem to understand what the meaning of the word 'no' is. When someone tells Camille 'no' she takes this as a challenge, as if your saying 'no' because you think that she won't be able to handle the consequences. Don't get it twisted, Camille does know the difference between what's right and wat's wrong; if she thinks what she is doing is right and just then she's going to continue to do it wheater you approve of it or not.

Camille is a fun-loving, energetic woman. There is never a dull moment in her presence. She's the life of the party no matter where she is or who she's with. She loves to make corny, lame jokes. Sometimes her jokes are a little on the erted side, but that's just how she roles. When your with her, its a guarantee that you'll smile or laugh.

Camille is not afraid to express her opinions. She says what's on her mind without think twice. If she doesn't like something/somebody, she's going to say to their face. She isn't mean/rude to someone for no reason; she always has a reason, even if that reason may be as simple as "You annoy me". If you insult her her acid like tongue will cut you into a million pieces and her powerful words will stab you in the heart like a dagger. She is extremely sarcastic and has a foul mouth. Violence isn't a problem for her either, even though she rarely hurts anyone physically. It often happens when she throws something at someones head ( a ball, pencil/pen.....her shoe) when she is bored and is around someone she doesn't like or when she kicks someone off of their chair because she doesn't want them sitting next to her.

Powers & Abilities:

> Intangibility: The ability to pass through solid matter.

> Force-Field Generation: The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy. 

> Invisibilty: The power to render oneself unseen to the eye.

Weapon used:

> This wonderful fan 

> These wonderful dual swords


Protectee: Xi LuHan

Personality: Luhan can be described as confident and hilarious. He is a smooth guy who almost seems like the bad boy type. His intense stares and his amazing good looks can turn a girl’s knees to jelly. LuHan does everything from aegyo to y lip and singing. This man knows no limits. He is an epic romantic, and is so cheesy that it hurts. He goes all out for everything and is the type that gets jealous easily. He loves to talk and is kind of like a broken record; once you’ve got him started it’s very difficult to get him to stop. He loves to lighten dark moods with his charming sense of humor and is always found being the nice guy who cares a little bit too much.

Relationship with him: He and Camille became friends immediately and have an unbreakable bond. those two are very protective of each other and would really hurt anyone who messed with the other. If Camille has a problem Luhan is the first person she goes to and vice versa. If someone was bothering one of them the other would magically appear and make sure that the person never messes with either of them again.

Back-up Protectee: Oh SeHun

Personality: *same as above*

Relationship with him: *Same as above*


Any request: Just some lovey-dovey scenes and maybe some jealousy scense too :)

Comments: I really like this story and can't wait to see how it turns out I also hope that you choose my app :)



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Under Luhan's personality, who is joon?