latest news



I just wanted to say that I got a really good grade in English for my State Examinations. I got my very first A in English!! :)

To celebrate, I decided to make a new fanfic .. tomorrow!!

Since I'm currently obsessed with Myungstal and Infinite right now, the story will be about them xD

I know it will be hard to juggle three fanfics what with school and stuff but It's Us Against the World is ending soon and I thought it'd be better if I start this fanfic while I have some inspiration :)

And I know, I know, I've been promising a WooU fanfic but no ideas will form in my head about them! I guess I'm going to have to watch Dream High again!

I promise that the fanfic WILL come. VERY SOON, I HOPE.

For now, I hope you continue to support all of my fanfics! AFF FIGHTING!! <3




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heartkhun26 #1
woow.. congrats.. hihihii.. happy for you ^^