So much to post, I don't know what to title it as

First off, I seen this from another friend. I thought it was interesting and should spread the word :3

Because I don't know how to do the coding so it can say 'click here' and it sends you to it link.

I seriously don't and feel dumb XD

Another thing, I finished my first hip hop class! Yay~

We danced to 'Numb' by Usher

Quite fun must I say~

And the teacher is hilarious XD

Plus for my friends, If there was some way in which I could help you with school, I totally would!

((I finally talked to my teacher about giving me the honors work. My normal class was soooo slow. So now I am a happy Luna :D))

I'm like a total genius because I don't have much of a life and can easily absorb information quickly.

Thus why I have a lot of free time! XD;;

That's true. It's one of the reason I took up dancing!

So, if tutoring was possible through like AFF, I would totally help!

But it's so limited because I'm only on Algebra 2!

... Should I open up a math tutor fanfiction?

I think so many people would love me if I did XD

So, I guess that's it for my blog about topics :)

Have a happy day/night depending on your timezone! 


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I'm good at absorbing information too. I study for like 5 minutes and I'm ready for my tests. Maybe we can tutor together lol. I'm only grade 10 (15/16 years old) though.

To do the link thing on aff you right the word you want to hold the link like "click here" highlight the it click on the link icon next to the text color options (it looks like a world with 2 chain links on the bottom)