no manners, bad cut, and a two week old baby


To tell you the truth, yesterday was not a good day... First of all, this couple moved into the apartment a door down from mine. I went to go meet and greet them and well, they did not seem surprised to see a young girl, like me, welcoming them into the neighborhood. Anyway, I will get to the point. I started talking with them, to get to know them better, but that did not go as well I as planned. They WERE NOT paying attention to me! It was like I was a friendly ghost saying, "Hey, welcome!" They looked so stuck up. How rude...


For lunch, I decided I wanted to make a salad and chicken fingers. I was getting ready to make the salad, when I noticed that I did not have broccoli or tomatoes! (I cannot eat a salad unless there are diced tomatoes and broccoli in it. I am weird, I know) So, I went to the grocery store to buy some. When I headed home, I listened to Aftermath by ZE:A. I was just jamming away! Anyway, when I washed the veggies, and about to cut them into pieces - here is the bad part - Stupid me and my clumsy hand accidentally went in a diagonal direction, and I cut myself... real bad. It was very horrible ._. I thought I needed to head to the emergency room ASAP!

THIRD STORY (the final)

I was out with some friends, and we came across this lady and her newborn baby at the mall. This baby was the cutest little human ever! Bright, blue eyes and a bunch of brown hair. SOOOO adorable. I could not keep my eyes off her. /creeper-mode/ LOL. She was incredibly cute.

That was how my day was yesterday... How was yours?


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Is your cut okay? I hope it is.

People are like, so don't worry. I usually just ignore them. lol
@Kittykatlovepooh Haha, they were nicer today. :) My finger is oki-doki! LOL
I adore babies! :)
Kittykatlovepooh #3
Now the first two nope mmhmm smh! I hope your fingers are okaii. And babies yes I love babies :D!!!