The Wonderful Dream I had this Morning. ^0^

So early this morning, I dreamed... I dreamed that I went downtown of my town and decided to rent a house. It wasn't just only me though. There were four of us. (They're all anonymous LOL cause even I forgot them.) So we rented the house and a day later, we found out Beast lived NEXT DOOR. And like, we all died spazzing! We met Doojoon and Kikwang (I'm not sure if there others were in there.) Kikwang and I got along sooooo fine! Then one day like at dawn, Kikwang and I went on a walk, he was spelling out C-A-N then said YOU CHANGE ME? I smiled and nodded. Then all of a sudden, he leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine! My eyes grew wide, shocked because of what he did! My cheeks started getting hot. I stood still and let him kiss! THEN I HAD TO WAKE UP! But, in real life, my cheeks were REALLY HOT! LOL I DIED AND STILL DYING NOW!! OMGGG!! BEST DREAM EVER!!


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thats awesome dream hmmmm kikwang *daydreaming* :Pp