Achieving Your Dreams ?

Sorry if any guys are like 'WTF!? i dont care about ur life.' Im just going to write it because i feel like it and you don't care. Yea. Lol

Well first all. We all know acheiving near impossible dreams is tricky to carry on going and keeping faith and actually achieving the dream. Well first of all i have many dreams and goals.

One of them is to lose weight and fit into a size 8/10 and that aint happenin in a while! :/ 


One of my goals or should i say dreams/wishes Is to meet SHINee. Even a glimpse of them is like a miracle for me ... Like many other Shawols all i can do is watch from afar on youtube and stuff. I can't even go to their concert even if they do come england do to family and lack of money because my parents decided to make a extension in the flippin house! 

Then they use MY money! Which I AM SAVING TO GO KOREA WHEN IM OLDER!! and i feel like crying because I've tried so hard to save up and i still have a few more years left but i doubt! that even all the years put together i won't have enought money. I can't even tell my parents I LOVE SHINee! A korean Boy group because they'll think I'm weird! and like make fun outta me and shiz. 

It's also difficult managing your dreams with being pressured into what you want to become or do with your future! I have to get A's and A* in my GCSE's (english exams) when I'm older. Theres so much stress of life and dreams and others wishes that sometimes i can't handle it so when i come back from school i just sit in the corner crying... 

I know I'm probably not the only person that feels like this so from a shawol and most importantly a human being to another... 

If ANY of you feel the same way i do with any group! I SINCERELY!, HONESTLY! hope you get to meet the people that inspire you or as others say Idols ( I don't like using the word Idol XD) that you meet them, go to their concert and fall in love with them all over again... 

I still feel crap, but i hope others don't feel sad or anything. I doubt I'd go even when I'm older aha 

I genuinely love you guys <3 even thought i don't know any of you aha xoxo



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