I need your help/inspiration

I was inspired by Rick Riordan's Greek and Roman mythology books and Once upon A Time series to have this story in my head.  So I have this crazy story in my head and its been bothering me a lot and I actually wanted to write about it but didn't know where to start.  The story is about a young woman who is the reincarnation of Artemis.  She moved to Korea with her 2 nephews who're the reincarnations of Thor and Loki and her baby niece who is also the reincarnation of Freyja (Because their mother was the reincarnation of Aphrodite, and she was too lazy to be their mother, so she just hands then over to Artemis).  

Her twin brother Apollo is the only one that still remebers who he is; because one god has cursed every god and goddess to become mortal.  (They sort of get little of their memories back but just flashbacks as well as their powers but they don't know yet).  But they're trying to break the curse that was placed without luck.  But as the story goes on, Artemis starts falling for ss501 members (even though they seperated, I still believe that one day they will come back, that's just my opinion.)  But there's also a war between Zues and Odin since they're a bit older than the other gods, they kind of figured out who they were without Apollo's help.  

And thats where I stopped in my head.  I didn't know where this going in my head because I don't know how to make it look like an everyday event similar to the Once Upon A Time series.  Its really difficult to write about it since there's a war and breaking a curse and trying to get your immortality back.  But I was also intending something for an unexpected ending with a character that you didn't suspect that could've caused the curse.  The 'very' first part of the story starts with the oracle telling Apollo about the prophecy though...

So if anyone is willing to come up with the rest of the prophecy please help...

so far i had....

All will be lost by a fallen's curse

Eight  shall rise and be put to test

The eight meaning Artemis, Apollo, Thor, and the ss501 members.  I want to collaborate with someone with this story... To be honest, I'm kind of worried about someone stealing my idea and making this their own.  If so, please report them, most of us are really hard working people and its not fair for us to have our stuff taken and having someone else put their names because they have no talent/creativity. 



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