Angry Rant...

So today is 9/11. As most people know that 11 years ago was a terrible, sad day... ): RIP victims who have died. We will always remember you ♥

Now... to start my rant!!!!!!!!!!

So today in Social Studies we were watching 9/11 videos. And one was someone was filming it, and you could see people jumping out of the Twin Towers. And 3 girls were making jokes & just laughing at it. Like really? This isn't something to laugh about. People are jumping out of a burning building and you have the nerve to even laugh about it. That made me sooo mad!! Like, be respectful. People can be so rude these days. And my friend was even crying about it. While those 3 girls kept laughing... gahhh... I just wanted to freaking just go off on them. You have no idea how much that ruined my day. My day was perfectly fine til 6 hour. People these days -_- learn your manners & respect the dead...


Okay... I'm done. :/



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