Poof, SURVEY~!


Pick 10 artists that you love before reading the questions.
1)  Block B
2) Beast
3) Infinite
4) SHINee
5) T-Ara
6) f(x)
7)  4Minute
8) ZE:A
9)  Big Bang
10) 2NE1
What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
Randomly actually, I was in the Philippines and my sister changed the channel. We ended up on Music Bank or something. They were performing it xD A few months later or so we got into KPop. ^o^
What is your favorite song of 8? 
Here I am~ Here I am~
Truthfully, I don't listen to them much. But I still love them.
What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
WELL! Where do I start! Damn, a big impact indeed. That is what it has left. Seriously, I was expecting really cool, calm and collected guys who were naturally awesome. (Though they are naturally awesome but nothing else before that.) Then Match Up came up and DAYUUM. Not expecting it at all. I've never laughed so hard in my life to be honest, Jamaican/Beggar-co I shall forever miss. All the OTP moments, I shall cherish those. I'm actually kinda happy that they aren't like the other groups. They're unique and they should stay that way. (All the groups are unique though so no hate!)
What are your favorite lyrics of 5?
"I love you, I like you now tell it to me you fool."- T-Ara, Why are you like this?
I actually never read the lyrics but I love this song of theirs, I sing the chorus fluently so I kinda knew which one I wanted to see in English. It's pretty honest and honestly I feel like that sometimes xD
How many times have you seen 6 live? 
NEVER. TT^TT I'm cooped up in a place where no KPop Idols visit. TT^TT
What is your favorite song by 7?
Mirror Mirror~ Geoura Geoura~
Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
Sad? Hmm... Nope not really. I'm not the emotional type to be honest. (Hard to believe right? xD)
What is your favorite song by 9?
I dunno why but the "I'm so sorry but I love you da geojitmal~", I just really like that part.
When did you first get into 2?
Since my sister showed me them so around their debut days? I wasn't keen on KPop then though, I was still going through a "sometimes" listening to them phase. BUT! I regret nothing! (Well I feel like I should have paid more attention but aside from that!) My baby, Yoseob, is forever my No.1 bias. So es you stay away from him! He's mine! I love him lots really, no other bias of mine can surpass him! xD
I really started to pay attention during 'Shock' days I think it was? Not sure really, I've got a terrible memory. Well I was more of a Sone then so I didn't pay as much attention to them but now...... I wish I did xD
How did you get into 3?
Again, from my sister xD She was really into Teen Top then, she watched lots of shows of them and she saw the dance battle between them. I didn't really care all that much again. xD I had a very low attention span then.
I really only paid attention to them during "Before The Dawn". Then I fell inlove with Sungyeol <3 He was my 2nd bias (now 3rd unfortunately xD) I dunno but I instantly fell in love with them then xD Maybe it was the bad boy look or something. *shrugs*
What is your favorite song by 4?
Ooh~ It has to be "WOWOWOW"
I love it, it's just great to sing along to.
How many times have you seen 9 live?
No, unfortunately not TT^TT
What is a good memory concerning 10?
It would be Bom eating her corn in the middle of the night xD
She's just so adorable then she got given out t, which wasn't good, but she was still so adorable! Kyaaah~
Is there a song by 8 that makes you happy?
Watch Out!!
Especially when the were wearing the animal clothes thingy xD Dongjun was so cute and Siwan, my other love, was so adorable as a chicken!
Oh and when they were playing with the helium behind the scenes it was funny, so it always brings a smile onto my face :D
What is your favorite song of 1?
I love 'em all! But if I had to choose from the new and old album.
Do U Wanna B?: Is it Just Me?
New Kids on The Block: U Hoo Hoo
I picked the ones where I could here my baby-shark, Taeil, singing more~ I didn't include the mixtapes as you can see xD


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is it just me is like my favorite block b song EVER ♥