To: Authors of all the story I subscribe to your story

Attention Authors of the ff that i read,

 I wont be on at all for the next four days due to band camp. Yes i'm a band geek and i'm proud to be one.

 I promise i'll try to catch up on all the story as much as i can but i cant guarantee that i can with that much story that i am reading!

 And i still have AP works to finish! so everyone will have to be patient, please.




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That's sound fun! Anyway, hope you have a great time!!!! :D
Alrighty~ ^^v<br />
goodluck with that band camp of yours! ENJOY~!!!! ;D
2 thumbs up for being a band member :> enjoy the camp!
Have fun!! Enjoy!! Be careful!!
jaycobisl #5
do you want me to not update till you come back? :)
jungminian0403 #6
have fun! do not worry, I am sure they'll understand! :D
Oh, band camp? Sounds fun! ^^ Be careful and hurry back soon xD
Have fun! :D
:) we're both band geeks~
NOOOOOOoo Youre not gonna rush me for 4 days???? *tear* think of me when youre one and ill do the same. even though im not leaving till the 2nd oh what ever