Chess vs. Wanted Jang Hae Bin's sum up


Sum-up of Jason

Personality: Seemingly cold-hearted | Clever | Witty? o-o | does first things first | Loves to think up new ways to torture people but doesn't show it on his face so it's kinda a bit unexpected | skinship supporter | Checks himself out in front of the mirror after he comes out of the shower | Reads a book when he's waiting for something | Very competitive | erted at times but he can control it | 

Dislikes: Bossy people, annoying/irritating people, girls trying to hit on him, girls that act and dress like a , girls that just want attention, those who try to hurt his friends and beloved dongsaengs, guys squealing over "hawt" girls, seafood, chocolate-flavored ice cream, and plastic surgery

Likes: Coffee, books, roses, dark chocolate, poetry, music, banana milk, art, photography, motorcycles, romantic things, cameras, his laptop, fashion, cooking, food, being healthy LOL. steak, cream pasta

Hobbies: Reading books, writing, sleeping, painting landscapes, taking pictures, composing songs, working out, composing music, listening to music, tennis, volleyball, swimming, playing the piano & violin, riding his motorcycle

Habits: Excerises alot, drinks alot of water, stretches right after he wakes up, glares alot, cracks knuckles, checks himself out in front of the mirror right after he came out of the shower XD, putting a hand through his hair when he's worried about something, either reads a book or just practicing over choreography to waste time, being late, putting first things first, his lips when amused

Phobias: Being kidnapped o-o. (couldn't think up of one)

Background: Comes from a filthy rich family | Ran away from home and escaped to California | Comes back after a few years | Worked at a coffee bar as a waiter


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IChooseYouPikachu #1
jason sounds y as fuq. <3 LOLOLOL