My favorite TopBom fanmade videos ♥

Okay okay I admit it! I'm so addicted with TopBom right now. Today I have spent the whole day watching, reading, seeing, TopBom stuff. So why not share one of my personal favorite videos of TopBom so you can spazz with me? My dear TopBom shippers? ♥


















Okay there are more but I'm just too lazy right now xD This will do for now, maybe I'll do a part 2 later. All credits go to the creators of these beautiful works of art! ♥ 


Share the alien love ♥



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I strongly encourage part 2 hehe!!
Thank you for linking this to me! I don't know how I missed it!! Ahh I love them together ^^
aflkjwaelrij. I love TOPBOM so much! :'D

And I love all of the videos you posted! X3