A Different Color

Hey guys! First of all, I'd like to apologize for the lack of update. I think it's been over a month already and I feel really guilty for the delay. I've gone through something lately but I'm glad to say I'm almost over it and I finally have more brain space to write! Can I get a yehey?! Hahahaha~

Anyways, I've been trying to re-align my perspectives lately and trying to go back to my roots writing-wise; which means...KDramas and Korean indie music! Woooohooo~

I'm currently watching "The Moon That Embraces The Sun". It's a historical drama that surprisingly has similar elements as SOJ. It's pretty inspiring though I'm making sure I won't end up making TOO influenced by it. I love the child actors esp. Kim Yoo Jung. She's the same girl who's acting with TOP in his new movie 'Alumni' playing his little sister. Also, she's the same young girl in Seungri's VVIP mv. Another thing I love about her is that she's also a big TOP fan!


Kim Yoo Jung

Isn't she pretty???

I'm currently on Episode 10 and Yoo Jung's character has already grown up and is now being played by Han Ga In. Ga In really does really resemble the moon. Her skin is so smooth and bright although her eyes are startingly big. I'm sure Koreans love her because of her eyes...they're just really big!


Han Ga In


Don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun of her...I love her eyes but sometimes they're scary. ^_^

Anyways, now that we're talking about eyes, I really love Jiyong's natural eye color. I can't find the perfect picture but they're a beautiful pair of almond brown (I think).

I love brown eyes and I've always wanted to know how I'd look if I had them (mine's really really dark brown, almost black). So I'm thinking of buying a pair of colored contacts. It can be dangerous, I know but I've been curious of this for the longest time, I think it's time I satisfy it esp since there's this official distributor I follow on FB who's doing a sale. 

I've tried wearing contacts once...it was a three-toned pair in green I think.

So, anyways...I'm really excited to find the perfect pair. Wish me luck! 

How about you, what's your natural eye color and are you thinking of trying a different color?



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eonni, you are finally back <333 hope you are okay now ^__^
and yehey!!
regarding SOF & The Moon That Embraces The Sun...yeah...indeed they have some similar elements, but I'm pretty sure I've seen another historical drama that has A LOT in common with SOF (at least from my perspective lol) but why can't I remember the name right now? so frustrating...
lmao..just when I wrote it, I remembered the name =))) it's called Goong... u might or not watch it ㅋㅋㅋ
and why are contact lens dangerous? :)) okay..unless you have sensitive eyes or you don't handle them properly... I have contact lens, but they are plain :)) I wish I'll try some colored but no money so yeah...
it's rather funny that till I was 1yo, my eyes were blue (just like cats ㅋㅋㅋ) but then they became a dark brown...then brown...the hazel...and now they are a kind of green or sth :)) maybe in some years they'll become intense green ^__^ I will pretty much try all the colors out there just to see how I look... I'm rather curious how I'll look with green, smarald-like eyes and red hair ^__^ but I guess I'll have to wait till I'll have money to spend on trivial things like this ^__^
I'm so happy that you are back *hugs* can't wait to read more from you. <3
Hwaiting! ^_^ Hope from now on, you'll smile everyday ^___^
P.S.: Can you like make a post with your favorite, interesting &/or good books/stories/fanfics that you recommend for reading? ^__^ Arigatou~~
mstofai #2
You got a Yehey from me, unnie! :)) And I also hope that with whatever you have gone through, you learned a lot from it. ^^ I always see my helper watching The Moon that Embraces the Sun before, I just didn't really watched it because it did not appealed that much to me, not until my friends from the cover group started spazzing about it :)) I don't wanna try anything that includes my eyes and its color, or just my eyes because it's too sensitive that when a foreign objects gets inside of my eyes, it swells after 5 mnutes, so no contact lenses T.T But what I wanna try is dying my hair after graduation. Eh? Haha. I want somthing red for my hair ;D UNNIE! I will patiently wait for your updates. Your updates are worth-it naman eh :)
weerainbow #3
Hey Charlie, good to hear from you. I hope you're doing ok and that whatever you've been going through hasn't been too tough on you. *hugs you*
I never mind the wait with your stories because it's writing worth waiting for. Like a good cake when it's finally baked you're glad you left it in the oven long enough so it's not heavy and underbaked ^__^ I've been baking a bit lately hence the example hehehe.
I heard a bit about "The moon that embraces the sun" but never watched any of the episodes. I might go back to it sometime when I'm not too busy, would you recommend it? I do enjoy a good drama and I tend to watch Korean dramas fairly regularly. At the moment I'm waiting for the first episode of Vampire Prosecutor season 2 to get subbed. Even though lately I've not been into vampire stories really I'd been curious about the first season and ended up adoring it since it was really nicely done and the cases were all very interesting.
I waffle...lol
As for the thing of eye colour, that's something I love to take notice of too. Personally I have kind of greenish eyes. They used to be more hazel when I was small but it seems they lightened a bit as I got older cos they're more green now which is funny since I always wanted them to be really green growing up. They're not a strong green colour though so how much people notice the colour depends what I wear. My gran had really chocolate brown eyes and I was very close to her so I've always loved brown eyes because of that ^__^