And then... and then... and then.......... i go back to school (O_o)

Hey guys! 6 hours and about 45 minutes until I have to get up for sixth form! But I can't sleep! I am so unprepared! I don't have any shoes and my school bag I ordered isn't coming for about 2 weeks! T.T (it's a B.A.P bag though so it's worth it!) And so yeah i'm kind of... how would you say... pooing myself?! Anywhoooooo I hope you all are more organised than me I mean I don't even know how i'm going to get there my bus pass hasn't even cone yet! Erggggg i'm useless! ... byeeeeeee! <3


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YOYOYOYOOOOOO! How was it!? I went back to 6th form last Wednesday ^.^ What are you taking!? I've got a lot of outfits... I forced my parents to get me clothes. Trust me when I say I hardly had any. Anyway, hope you had fun!!! ♥