KPOP survey shizz :D

Pick 10 artists that you love before reading the questions.
1)  BEAST ♥
2) Infinite
3) Block B
4) Big Bang
5) 2NE1
6) SHINee
8) Miss A
9)  f(x)
10) Teen Top
What was the first song you ever heard by 6? 
Ring Ding Dong
OMG, I actually didn't like the song at first because it was so weird and in the MV they had WINGS?! The fxck?! But then I saw Minho. Everything didn't matter then ♥ 
What is your favorite song of 8? 
 "oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh, I can't BREATHE!"
What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
Oh ma goodness. ALOT. Them 6 pabos left a great impact on my life. They were the VERY first KPOP group I have found while randomly surfing youtube. I found them when they just debuted and I immediately LOVED them after watching the Shock MV. Watching their harships and struggles and seeing them reach where they are now is just inspiring. When they kept winning awards and crying on stage, I felt so proud of them. *cries* I'm such a hardcore B2UTY. ♥
What are your favorite lyrics of 5?
"Just like her, I wanna be pretty" - UGLY
It's because I can relate(and maybe most of you guys too). Our society and media is ing with our minds so all I have to say to that is. EFF OFF MO'FUKAAS. 2NE1 is so daebak! *__*
How many times have you seen 6 live? 
Sadly, never T___T I live in Ireland so I could've flew over to France to watch them but no. ;C
What is your favorite song by 7?
If You Come Into My Heart feat C-Luv ♥
Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
SAD? HELL NO. Their songs are all SWAG so nope. But whenever I hear Taeil sing ballads. I just...WOOW~ *sniff*
What is your favorite song by 9?
Step By Me
I know it's old but it's one of the first tracks I heard, aside from CHU~ :D
When did you first get into 2?
Only March this year. I honestly like their rival, Teen Top, before them. But I got curious who Infinite were so I watched their dance battle and I was VERY AMAZED. All of them were in sync and I didn't catch one mistake! So I watched their BTD MV but dance version but clicked Come Back Again halfway since I figured it was a dance version. I'll let you in on a little secret. When I was watch that MV, Woohyun caught my eye ->
but I thought he was "L" so I was like, my bias is L!! I kept thinking he was him for a like month. Basically, I liked Myungsoo because of his stage name and NOT his pretty boy looks (i didn't even know what the poor boy looks like!!). The shock I got when I found out the guy I assumed was L was Woohyun. I don't reget liking L though. ;D
How did you get into 3?
Everyone in my tumblr was like spazzing about this "ZICO" guy that happened to look like Junhyung. So I checked their MV out with my sister. She too immediately liked him but Jaehyo caught my eye first. But then I saw U-Kwon looking all hot and what not so he became my bias after that. Though recently, it changed(yet again) because of the Tell Them MV. So my bias now is none other than the greasy cucumber, Park Kyung ♥
What is your favorite song by 4?
Definitely What Is Right.
It's different from their other songs so I really liked love it 
How many times have you seen 9 live?
Well, I've watched them live many times ;D *cough*youtube*cough*
What is a good memory concerning 10?
don't know what I'm talking about? CLICK HERE
not only is the video funny but I see my OTP, NIEL + C.A.P 
Is there a song by 8 that makes you happy?
Once again, Breathe :3
What is your favorite song of 1?
i'll choose one from each album ^__^
BEAST is the B2ST: Oasis (first song i loved)
Shock of the New Era: Say No
Mastermind: Break Down or V.I.U (who doesn't love Kiwi's American dance ^///^)
Lights Go On Again: I'm Sorry
My Story: When The Door Closes 
Fiction And Fact: You
As you can see, I have a thing for slow/ballad-like songs :D


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you have no idea <3<br />
lmao XD block b ♥