Graphics; What's your take?

Don't worry, this isn't going to be a rant post. It's just that I've been feeling a lot about some things I've seen on AFF. This is strictly my personal opinions and I've no intentions of bashing anyone. 

Recently, I came across a poster shop that asks for requester to pay karma points for their graphic requests. Another graphic shop was pay karma points to get faster graphics + free banners. Looking at the extra freebies, I guess we pay for what we get then. You don't pay, you get slower graphics.

I know that they're providing quality (?) services but is this really necessary?

Honestly, I think it's not and I don't like such a feature. If I requested a week ago (without paying) and another requester paid the karma points, they'll get their poster first with banners thrown in. Yes, they paid but so what? I find it too practical and unfair. First, you gave them the priority because they pay karma points. Second, you take your time just because requester didn't pay karma points.  Third, so only if we pay karma, you'll then work extra hard. My point is that shouldn't designers do their best for each and every requester (whether they pay or not)?

Besides, by subscribing to the shop, we're already paying 1 karma point. And when we used it in our story, we do credit the designer (and shop). We're doing advertisement for them as well. Why do we have to pay extra then?

AFF is a place for sharing and interaction. We don't write to earn karma and we don't design to earn karma. My take on this will probably be 'if it isn't worth it, just go elsewhere that's free.'

I actually do enjoy visiting graphic shops. One of my favourite would definitely be Nikatsu's Versute and JJL's Tipsy Queen! Their artwork are unique and amazing. Most importantly, they don't exploit users for karma points.

Thanks for listening to my opinion. Do you think graphic designer should charge karma points for their services?

 Feel free to share your opinions too. Let me know your take on this.



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ugh, I don't do that but I think everyone has the right to ask for something in exchange. Like you said, we should do our best for each and every request, but some want something in return. One karma point [coming from you, subscribing] + advertising on your story might not be enough for them...
I think I understand and I will give you an example so you will understand me better.
For a poster we spend between 30 minutes up to 2 hours if the applicant didn't spent time to look for pictures. After doing it, you, as the designer, won't receive anything in return ... because many don't even say a thank you. Which is frustrating.
I chose to design, but still... I made you something... thank me.
I think that those that ask for karma points it's just a way to make sure their work is paid... In the end, you won't need those karma points == I don't need them unless I want to change my username and dunno what feature thing around here.
Anyway, you are right too, but I guess we have to understand them. It's like real life too... If you pay, you get what you need. If you want it for free, sometimes you have to wait.