SM Co-Ed group Jasper | Application




AFF Username: Kimjade

Profile Link:


Name: Seo Hyun Jae | 서 현 재

Nickname*: He gets called Soju by his foreign friends.

Stage Name*: Seo Hyun Jae


Gender: Male

Age: 21

Birthday: April 21, 1991

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Gangneung, a city in Gangwon-do, on the east coast of South Korea



Ulzzang name:Jang Hyun Jae

Ulzzang Links:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Backup Ulzzang:Park Ji Ho

Ulzzang Links: 1 | 2 | 3 

Pajamas: 1 | 2

Traveling: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Shoes: 1

Practice: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Out and About: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Recording the Music: MV | 12 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

On a Date: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7



Seo Hyun Jae is a wild card. You never quite know what he's thinking, but he has a lot of fun in life.
He is a social butterfly and loves to mingle. His laughter is contagious and he can goad just about anyone into drinking with him. He is the life of a party and someone who can flawlessly direct a conversation. He has skill with words and flattery.
A natural born playboy he gets along well with the ladies, but he doesn't pick them up because he has been raised to have a lot of respect for women. He is good natured and free with his joy, spreading it like a cold to those around him.

Hyun Jae is an athlete and has a major competitive streak. He is stubborn about the rules of a game and will drive himself tot he ground to get the score. He is aggressive and hot headed during sports but he never outwardly shows his anger. 
He has a lot of knowledge stored up in that brain of his and he uses it only on chance days because he doesn't rub it in peoples faces, but he can't stand to let someone go on being wrong about something and he will have to correct them. He makes many guys annoyed at him like this.

He loves it when girls fuss over him and he purposely does cute things to get them to coo at him. He talks differently to women than he does to men and his mates rag on him when he does this. He is a joker at heart and he loves to be around funny people because he loves to laugh.

He is very clean and takes care of his skin and he shares his products with the other members in the dorm and he babies the younger ones. He likes to cook and spend time with everyone in the main room watching TV or playing games or just talking. He knows the most about all the other members because he likes to do little things for them. He's like a caring appa to everyone, even those that don't like it. He will just smile and do it anyway.
Hyun Jae takes a lot of time doing things so he can say he did his best. He is very serious about music and succeeding because it has always been a dream for him, he kept hidden away from those who knew him back home.

He has a problem with people being disrespectful and he has had to take anger management classes to stave off those fits of anger that make him smack people on the back of the head or curse at them when they are rude. He doesn't hit people anymore but he has gotten into trouble with that mouth of his.He's really a sweet guy but when he gets hurt he turns into a baby and tried to get sympathy from the people around him, and he usually gets it from the girls because he has pitiful down to an art.
There is a downside to him though. Sometimes he will become almost emo like and get depressed. It only happens every now and again but it can make the people around him uncomfortable because they are used to him being happy all the time. When he's like this no one can talk to him to snap him out of it.


Trainee Life:
Trainee life for him was fun but also a lot of hard work. He trained the hardest in dance and he twisted his ankle a few times and was yelled at constantly but he made up for it with his drive. He never goofed around in classes or practice because he was going for a goal, something he set for himself years ago. He saw a few trainees get dropped and new ones come in but he stayed positive and kept going. He didn't have to take language classes with the others so he trained twice as hard in dance to make up for what he lacked. He only called home when it was the holidays and his family understood. He slept at the studio on a couch in the recording/mixing room and took showers at the company instead of going back to the dorms they had. He ate take out more than he wishes to remember and can't stand chicken anymore because of it. He made friends with everyone and went through a lot to get contacts to other artists, even those not of SM. He made friends with the choreographers and met their friends who worked at YG and JYP and met many different idols through them. His networking was genius and really got their attention. Hype is the best publicity out there. He worked hard for the future of the group.


Hyun Jae, born and raised in Gangneung, grew up a bright and healthy child with an affinity for mischief. He was a sweet boy who was raised up to be honest and upright, but he was a kid. He would steal the fruits and foods out of the market place when no one was looking. Of course he was never alone. He had his own gang of sorts that followed him around and they caused all kinds of ruckus growing up. They would play along the beaches and go fishing in the Gyeongpo lake during hot summer nights. There were festivals, like the Dano Festival at the fairground near the Namdae River, and they would run through setting off firecrackers and get scolded later by the towns mayor for being foolish. He grew up as wild and free as a boy could in those days. He was a big fan of H.O.T and would go to the noraebang with his high school pals and sing into the night. He was always popular with the girls because of his voice and he even started a band with his friends.  Since his Father was a corporate pusher he traveled the world and dragged his sons with him. Hyun Jae got to live for months at a time in other countries and quickly picked up the language of the natives. He lived in Kyushu Japan for half a year and speaks in a Nagasaki dialect. He lived in New Zealand for seven months once and learned English from a girl he dated there. When he was five he lived for two years in Thailand and at the age of thirteen he learned Mandarin from the Chinese immigrants that lived near his families home. His Mother and Father prided themselves on how well rounded their son was and they were the talk of the neighborhood because of their worldly aura and humanitarianism. Their oldest son even went to college and moved to Africa to help with the clinics there. They of course worried for him but he is in a safer region. Hyun Jae was never close to his brother but he was still proud that he decided to do such a great thing.
His brother was all for him becoming a singer, and he helped to convince his parents to let him go. Hyun Jae will always be thankful to his brother and he keeps his mindset by thinking of what his Hyeong had to sacrifice in order to do what he loved.



+Light atmospheres
+Fun loving people
+Drinking with friends
+Rock music
+Green Tea

-Pedo Nunas
-Being depressed
-Rude people
-The CEO of the company

Strengths: Attitude | Vocals | Body | Mind | Music | Versatility

Weaknesses: Anger | Dancing | Baby Mode | Emo Mode | Drinking

:Playing musical instruments
:Talking to the fans via twitter and me2day
:Surfing the net for clothes


He throws his head back when he really laughs
He brushes his clothes when he stands up to get out the wrinkles
He chews on his straws
He makes weird faces at people he's teasing automatically
He initiates skin ship with everyone

He can play the guitar, piano and drums
He is super fan boy around SNSD and has to hide his blushes behind his hands and always has a big smile
He is jealous of CN Blue's Younghwa big time and always scowls when anyone talks about him unless they are on a program
He has a cute accent when he speaks in English
He sometimes slips into his Gangwon dialect, which is also where Super Junior's Heechul is from
He was in a band back in high school and was known as a gominam there
He is compared to CN Blues Younghwa because he looks somewhat similar and he can play the guitar and rap and write his own songs
He and the CEO of SM got into a major argument and they don't really like each other
He and the CEO have random arguments in the hallways when they see each other, they are always tense but most often they are implied arguments
He steadily got better at dancing thanks to his friends teaching him
He has traveled his whole life and lived in many different places so he knows many different languages
He likes playing Basketball with his friends
He is very funny on variety shows and a quick wit
He likes to reaffirm relationships by skin-ship or doing things that are nice for others
He can't drive at all
He is good at acting and shooting CF's
He has the most riddiculas contact list on his phone
He carries two hand phones because his contacts are sorted into personal and business that way
His business hand phone is a black Samsung galaxy note and his personal one is a white iPhone 4s
His contacts are named with strange names so no one can figure out who's who if they take his phone (like Chansung from 2pm is banana bread)
He is such a social person that girls can become flustered easily in front of him
He has had a total of five fan girl fainting due to his fan service on stage and three due to his offstage flirting at fan signings
He has to be reprimanded by the company for being too cute and friendly to the girls/making them faint
He gets seriously respectful in front of Tiger J or Big Bang's G Dragon because he considers them leaders in the rapping world
He usually frets over the members and is the one to remember all their birthdays
He likes to get the members their favorite snacks and do little things for them to make them happy
His Mother likes to come up to Seoul and cook for the members or bring food she has prepared from home
His Mother always makes more food than they can store in their refrigerators so they give some away to the managers and neighbors
He is always well thought of and leaves a bright and polite impression on the people he meets
His Father is in a Goods and Services business so he has traveled the world and worked in many corporations and his sons traveled with him
He has a fresh and youthful appearance that directors go nuts over and was once asked to be in Shut up Flower boy band but rejected the offer because he was still in training and wanted to work hard for that instead of acting and he knew he wouldn't get to debut with Jasper if he accepted the deal, he would have had Kim Min Suk's role if he had taken it.



Blood Type: O

Languages: Korean, English, Japanese, Thai & Mandarin

Twitter: @Seo_ulHJ

Fears: His parents getting sick and not telling him in time.


Father: Seo Dae Gun - 57 - Company Worker - Their relationship is good, they are like friends most of the time. - Dae Gun is a happy go lucky guy who gave Hyun Jae many of his personality traits. He is a hard worker and a definite mans man.

Mother: Jung Myeong Kyo - 56 - Teacher of pottery - Their relationship is very loving. He is a total mama's boy and she loves to visit him and bring lots of food.

Brother: Seo Hyun Soo - 32 - Doctor for the Doctors Without Borders program - They have a distant relationship because they were born so far apart and because Hyun Soo was away at college and Hyun Jae was traveling with their father most of the time so they never really bonded.


He has many friends most of them are from the people around him. He makes friends with everyone
SM artists
JYP artists
DSP artists
YG artists

...the list goes on and on, he is one social boy, our Hyun Jae.

Best Friend(s): 
Jang Min Hyuk (OC) - 22 - Cafe worker and Tutor - They have a great relationship, very much best friends. They hang out all the time. - He is a great guy to have at your back in a pinch. He is loyal and really stands up for what he believes in. He is a playboy but he also never settles down for long. A wanderer at heart.

How you guys met: They met in high school and formed a band together. Min Hyuk had the best skills on the drums.

Baek Choi Jin (OC) - 21 - Artist - They have an off again on again relationship when Choi has good weeks. - Choi Jin is a bi-polar type artist who does freelance jobs that take him all over Seoul and beyond. At one point a girl Choi liked fell for Hyun Jae and they got into a big fight that still carries over today.

How you guys met: They met after Hyun Jae made it into SM as a trainee. It was a dark night, raining and nasty out, when Choi staggered into the cafe Hyun Jae was sitting in. They got to talking and became fast friends. over a couple of cups of green tea.



Love Interest:Choi SooYoung - 22 - singer in SNSD

Personality: She likes to eat. She is fun to be around, she was nicknamed Cheerful Princess because of her charming personality. She is considered one the friendliest members in the group. She tries hard to be funny. She has a down-to-earth attitude.

How you two act around each other: She is older than him but they act like close friends. They play around and joke with the other members.

Trivia: Her blood type is O. She can speak Korean, Japanese, and some English. She eats an average of 6-7 times in a one day.

How you two met: They trained together as she helped to teach the girls and they kept bumping into each other at the company.


Back-up Love Interest: Park Jiyeon -19 - Singer in T-ara

Personality: She's got a kind-of dual personality. She can be full of aegyo or snippy. She doesn't like to wash before bed and she loves food.

How you two act around each other: They are always flirting and goofing off.

Trivia: She acts like a dinosaur when she gets mad.

How you two met: During an out door concert event at the culture festival before they debuted.




Rival: Choi Minho

Personality: He is competitive and light hearted. A smiling guy who has a strong desire to win.

How they became rivals: They became rivals because they are always trying to out do one another in everything from rap to sports to eating.

Trivia: He loves soccer. He's a type B blood. Likes eating.

How they act together: They are the typical guy rivals they try to out do each other and they might playfully push each other out of the way when walking together. They argue some times but they're not mean about it.


How were you discovered?: In high school he was in a band and they played the Gyeongpo Rock Festival. A scout was in the crowd and talked to them after the show. He had them come to Seoul on a chartered bus and audition at SM. They didn't make it in but later he got a call from the scout and he and his friend Min Hyuk were asked to come back alone. They did and passed the audition. Min Hyuk decided it wasn't for him and he dropped out leaving Hyun Jae to go it alone.


[1] Vocalist, sub rapper

[2] Lead vocalist, sub dancer

[3] Main vocalist



Rapping links: 1 | 2

Dancing links: 1 this is how he started out  1 | 2  this is after practicing all those years

Singing links: 12 | 3 | 4


Persona: Lovable Boy Next Door

Personal fanclub: Seolmates

Fanclub colors: #3399ff.

Extra jobs*: Model for ABOKI and Tomonari, MC for SBS programs

How many years did you train?:4 years and 3 months

Any previous companies you were in*:none

Any shows you want the group to be in*: Hello baby would be funny. Star King

Any shows you want YOUR character to be in*: Running man Strong Heart


Suggestions: I don't really have any right now I've been up all night doing this app and can't think anymore haha.

Fan Club Name:
Jasper is a stone so how about 반지 panji? It means ring in English. The fans could be their couple ring or something along that nature.
Showing their dedication to their relationship or something like that.

 삐리뽐 빼리뽐 by co-ed
Seol Song by Super Junior and SNSD
Only Love by SMTown
I am the Best fanmade collab with Big Bang & 2NE1
Tell Me by YG Family
Confession + 8282 by 2am & Davichi
Umbrella by 2AM & miss A

U f(x) & Super Junior
Time to love 2 by T-ara & Supernova

Dance by After School & Infinite  (could be a special dance stage)

I have an extensive collection of Jang Hyun Jae pictures in this album if you would like to pick out any pictures to use for your story, from sleeping to eating to playing there are around seven pages to look through.

Group name idea?: I liked the name idea of Jasper someone else suggested. lol


Scene Requests: I would love a scene of him and his friends just having a great time together. They could go to the beach at night for a secret trip with the members or something with the other SM entertainers. Maybe an outdoor music program?

I think it would also be cool to have them with scenes of just hanging out and joking around with each other. They could also play games and stuff like I've seen idols do on MT shows or like on Family Outing. Example: 1 | 2 | 3

He meets up with the CEO in the hall and they have a tense moment where the CEO gets in close to him and tells him that he is only there because he is such a good liar and fake on the variety programs that the group can't get rid of him and his rival Minho sees and overhears this and comes up and directs the CEO's attention away from him and walks him out talking to him so Hyun Jae can leave with out causing another problem for Jasper. Hyun Jae winds up crying in the bathroom later and his friend Taemin comes in and comforts him after he hears about it from Minho. A moment where we see that he isn't always upbeat and happy and that can bring him and Minho closer to understanding each other.

They are on a show where they get abandoned in places where they wouldn't be too well known since they just debuted and they have to find things for a special fan signing and they are either surrounded by old people who couldn't possible know them or in a remote place where there is hardly any people there. It could be one guy and one girl together doing a mission and getting people to listen to their music as well. He could be put in the middle of Dongdaemyun, the market street, and left there to find his station and get the older people around him to ask for his autograph by being cute and charming and acting like the most wanted son-in-law so they will show interest in him even though they don't know Jasper at all.

They are doing a small outdoor concert for fans with other groups that have just debuted and they are rushing around to get their clothes changed and passing other groups heading to the tent when he gets elbowed in the mouth by another guy in another group and he falls and it looks like the guy hit him on purpose but it was really an accident and they get into a scandal because some reporter had snuck backstage to snap pictures and caught it and blew it up out of context to get a big story and the two groups have to have a press conference to say it was just an accident and that it wasn't intentional and they have to do many shows and stuff together to show they are not fighting and the groups grow closer after that and they become real good friends even though they are from different companies. I would suggest NU'EST and the other guy be JR or maybe or 100% / Rockhyun or BtoB / Minhyuk someone close to his age.


Password:1 2 3


me-hi Hyun Jae! How are you?

you- Ah Lovely Lady I am perfect now. *smiles charmingly*

me-cool! So I heard that you're going to be debuting in a new group?

you- Ah I am quite fortunate to be working with such talented people as the trainees at SM. *places a hand over his heart, his eyes shining with sincerity*

me-how do you feel about that?

you- I like it so much.

me-really? Are you confident about your skills?

you- I think there is always room for improvement. I'm never quite satisfied with myself.

me-ah, I see. *checks script* Okay, is there anything you would like to say to your members?

you- My wonderful members you have worked hard all these years and now we are at the edge of our freefall, I hope you will all spread your wings. *laughs* Does that sound too corny?

me-haha, now let me ask you a random question. If one of your members got hurt trying to attract their crush, what would you do?

you- Well, it isn't a simple question. I think it depends on who I was dealing with. If it was, say Choon hee ssi  then I'd have to step in and cheer  her up. But if it's somebody like Yunnie or Jae Won then I'd just let them take care of it on their own. Because they are so self sufficient I wouldn't want to invade their personal space.

me-haha I see. Well before you leave can you say a word to the viewers?

you- *smiles* even though we haven't debuted yet you have stood outside the company in rain and hot weather cheering us on and being there to offer water or snacks to us along with fan mail, you don't know how much that means to us. We will work hard and show you an amazing debut. 좀 기다려 we will show you what we have been working so hard for... for you. *winks at the camera witha charming smile*

me-thank you Hyun Jae! Well, I hope to see you soon!

you- I know you will. *bows* 감사합니다 *bows to the other crew* 수고 하셨어요! *turns and bows again going out the door*





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