Harmony apply fic

~APPLICATION~ Username: DeiDeilove Link to your profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/29467 ~Character~  Name: park HeeYoung Stage name(optional):-- Birthday(15-20): 10/1/1990 Hometown: Seoul, South Korea Ethnicity: Korean Personality: A little decription about your character (personality and such): A sporty but lazy person when it comes to singing and dancing it is hard to believe its the same person. When meeting new people, she tends to be shy but the more you are around her you see she is actually outgoing,and playful and you can't help but have fun around her. She is kind (until you get on her bad side), loves animals and the color pink. She can accomplish anything she sets her mind to, especially if it involves dancing. She is chill but when it comes to a bad situation she is there to take control if needed. If you do something horrible to any of her loved ones she will pick you apart till you cry.  You will never meet another person like her, and when it comes to family she will do anything  for them. Backgroud: park HeeYoung is an only child. Her parents and he dony get along all that much. They have never been there for her and because of that, she has practically raised herself. She lives in an apartment by herself because, she can't take the silence of her own home. Her mother and father are co owners of a company and are usually overseas. With all the depressing events that she has been through, it still hasn't effected her physically nor mentally. Talents: plays violin, dances, sings Appearance: http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/song-ah-ri/song-ah-ri2-6779 http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/song-ah-ri/song-ah-ri1-7125 http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/song-ah-ri/song-ah-ri3-6808 http://www.ulzzangasia.com/gallery/ulzzang-girl/song-ah-ri/song-ah-ri1-7103 Ulzzang name: song ah ri How did you get accepted?: Put up covers I did to songs on YouTube, and they wanted me to audition. They where amazed at how well I could sing but what really got their attention was my dancing. ~Partner~ Ss501 members only.. Kim Hyung Joong How did you 2 meet: walking along we accidentally bumped into each other, and grabbed each others phone that dropped onto the ground. We switched back phones and have been talking ever since. His 1st impression of you: clumsy girl who didn't watch where she was going. His personality towards you: was a little cold and mean at firs r but then, we got to know each other and are now close. Pet name: panda ~Positions~ Leader ~2nd Position~ Main Dancer


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