First Day Of School Tomorrow~!

Tomorrow is my first day of school ^.^ I hope it would be fun but I don't like waking up early~ T.T I wonder what will be our first impression xD will there be a new interesting classmate??? A new queenka? XD too bad I can't have any interest in other girls this time :3 I wonder what would my other classmates look like xD who will be my seatmate this year? I hope it will be an interesting seatmate :3 and I hope its not HER jebaaaaal~! I don't like any trouble in my relationship~! JEBAAAL~! Chi Chi~! (My old seatmate) hope we will be seatmates again this year buddy~ Sai~! Be early tomorrow like always so we can have our little talks xD Mother Earth~! What will u look like this year? I miss that circle face of yours xD Madam President~! Hope you'll still be out president this year and our top 1 :D Umma~!(my classmate who we all call umma xD) Plss don't give me ur cold stare its freaking me out....seriously T.T and give me more new updates to KPOP since ur the one who always know first xD and who's my appa?! Don't give me the excuse again >:| and don't be noisy at night u might wake up thhe whole world xD Well....I'm so excited I can't sleep xD see you all tomorrow~! :DDD


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hahahaha yeah but still I feel like its so fast xD
*Oops, I miscounted~ I'm in my 4th week of school >.<
Wah, I'm envious of you!!! :3 You're starting school tomorrow while I'm in my 3rd week of school >.>
Hwaiting!!!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆