/asdfghjkl; OTL


 Hory clap. So yeah, I know when I reuploaded my Luhan oneshot fic, I said I would update as soon as I get home BUT, I wasn't able to. orz It's so difficult to write when so many people are downstairs and your mommy gives you a time limit because your eyesight will get worse and blahblahblah... I just don't want to get caught. well shen, wouldn't zhat be awks? Then the worst thing possible happened, my phone was being all weird saying my email information was incorrect and I didn't even do anything! So then I used a different email and deleted the other one (probably not deleted, but I don't know a term to properly explain...) and then I realized (not even realized because I didn't even know.) all of my notes were saved onto that email and all my , TONS of long written (or what seemed long written. I need to stop with the parenthesis/sp now...) s and I was pissed off to zhe max ; AAA ; So I'll either rewrite them, or try to log in to my old email and see if it'll get my notes back.

   Anyways, I'm going to try and update ASAP I promise~... Short blog. I'll add three pictures to make it a little longer :D





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