App for STAR:Z (not finished yet)



♦ Contact Info ♦

Username :  sme100

Profile Link :


♦ Character Info ♦

Full Name : Yoon Chae-rin

Nickname : Cherry, Chae-rin, Charity

Date of Birth : 16 July, 1994

Age : 18

Height : 174.1 cm

Weight : 46 kg

Place of Birth : Seoul

Hometown : Incheon

Blood Type : B

Ethnicity : Korean

Languages : Korean (fluent enough), Chinese (very fluent. lived there for almost half my life), English (basic words), Japanese ('KONICHIWA!!!' that's all I know)


♦ Personality ♦

Personality : I like being in control and having power, but is always the one standing next to the real leader. I clash with the leader sometimes because I try to take their job as the leader. It's not that I'm jealous, but it's just my nature. I get mad easily and is very sensitive, but can forgive quickly. I have huge mood swings and I'm bipolar, so some people don't like me but it's mostly because of my anger management problems. I love corny jokes so when I'm in a good mood, I like telling them even if nobody laughs. Also, I cry very easily when I watch sad videos or read a touching quote. Lastly, my nickname is 'Charity' because I am always asking for food from my friends. I never have money or anything to eat!

Likes : Corny jokes, strawberries, melons, saying hi in different languages but mostly in japanese, wasting money on lottery tickets, and orange mango smoothies from Starbucks (or anywhere else).

Dislikes :  Coffee, mocha, alcohol, bitter foods, tying my hair up tightly, mean jokes, getting tickled, pineapples, and chapped lips.

Hobbies : Waking people up in an interesting way, shopping for shoes, cooking, giving people nicknames, hugging people.

Fears : scary movies!!! Ghosts! The dark! I haaaaate bugs. They are the scariest things on earth... I also fear fish. They're gross and scary looking.

Trivia : 

*Always carry around chapstick just in case of chapped lips.

*Every month, I always have a craving for a specific shoe type. Right now, I'm craving for a pair of light pink ballet flats. Last month, I craved a pair of cowboy boots that goes up to my knees and has small heels that clack on the floor.

*I love strawberry flavored candies and ice cream. The besssssst.

*When I get nervous before stage/performance, I swallow vitamins to calm me down.


♦ Appearance ♦

Name of the Ulzzang : Kim Seuk Hye

Links :

Back up Ulzzang : Baek Su Min

Links :


♦ Life ♦

Family Background : My family is actually very small because my mom and dad are both only childs in their family. I'm closer to my dad than my mom, but I've never gotten in severe fights with neither one of them. My dad, since he's a doctor and all, takes care of my health and stuff while my mom always nags me about my unhealthy cheap make up that I put on every day. She's always giving me a 1 to 10 judgement on my outfit every day.

Trainee Background : I have trained for almost two years now. I graduated high school and got into UCLA  (university) but couldn't graduate from there because of hard-core training.

Parents : Mother/ Jun Hee-Jungl 43 l Dermatologist l Very competetive in everything. That's why she is so successful at her job. She tries her hardest in everything and is an over-achiever. l I don't talk to her much, but we don't have a bad relationship. She nags me, though, all the time because I spend my small amount of money on lottery tickets, not food or necessities.     Father/ Yoon Jun-Muk 45 Head Surgeon Very caring and careful about everyone and everything. He tries his best not to mess up in things. He has a bit of OCD sometimes. He gives me a bunch of healthy vitamins to take every day, so I take them when I'm nervous. He became a doctor so he can help people, so he is very caring and warm towards me and everyone.

Siblings : (Girl's Day) Minah Bang l 19 l UCLA College Student l She is very bright and everyone loves her. She is very patient with everyone unlike me. She loves helping people just like her dad, but doesn't like the medical field very much. She is an over-achiever but doesn't boast about it. One annoying thing about her though is how she can never express her real feelings to anyone, especially her close friends who bully her and . l I'm not very close with her because she seems so much more intelligent than me and so far from me. We say hi when we see each other but that's it. I try to avoid her because I feel so stupid next to her.

Friends : Format = Name l Group l Age l Personality l Relationship Overview]

Best Friends : [Max of 2 , Format = Name l Group l Age l Personality l Relationship Overview]

Rival : [Max of 1 and strictly from SM Entertainment, Format = Name l Group l Age l Personality ]

Reasons for being rival : [Be logical]


♦ Stage ♦

Stage Name :

Position : [Top 3]

Fan Club Name : [I'm looking for uniqueness]

Persona : [eg, Ice Princess etc]

Trainee Years : [Max. 4 years, min. 1 and a half years]

Experience(s) : [eg. Cameos in dramas etc. Bullets form]


♦ Love ♦

Love Interest : [Xi Luhan is taken, strictly from SM Entertainment only]

Personality : [3 sentences will do]

How do you meet him : [If haven't meet yet, put "haven't meet"]

Back up love interest : 

Personality : [3 sentences will do

How do you meet him : [If haven't meet yet, put "haven't meet"]

Relationship Status:


♦ Others ♦

Password : [Trick question]

Ideas for the story : [Your chances of being selected depends mostly on this.]

Comments : 


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