Diablow App!! :D


The Real Breathtaking You;

Aff Username: iseemikimouse

Aff Link: Click Me!! :D

* Any nickname you want me call you, hun?: Miki(:

All About Your Characters;

Name: Baek Todd

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 18

Birthday: December 12, 1994

Hometown: Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Birthplace: Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Korean 

Height: 170cm

Weight: 60kg

Language: Fluent: Spanish, English and Korean

Orientation: Gay

Blood Type: AB; I don't think so.

Model Out Off A Magazine;

Ullzang Name: Shin Hoseok
Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Back-Up Ullzang Name: Park Changmin
Links: [1] [2] [3] 

Style: Causal, Lazy, Formal, Practice

Describe Yourself;

Personality: Todd's personality is like an inoccent and gentle child. He knows nothing that goes on around him. His brothers say that he's the most dense person that they know and that he'll always be. Todd is also "mute". No he's not really mute. Todd can speak. He just doesn't want to nor does he like to. When he was little he saw a person get killed in front of him and the person forced Todd to keep silent. Since then he's changed and is always quiet. He does speak up when he's asked a question but other than that, he'll never speak. 

Todd can never hate anyone. It's not his job too. He's tried to hate someone but in the end he ends up forgiving the person no matter how much the person hurt him. He doesn't like to think of himself. He thinks that it's selfish and uncalled for and therefore he doesn't care what people think about him. As long as the person is happy and content with everything then he's fine. That's what happened when the killer threaten to kill Todd. Even though Todd was scared, he still wanted to make sure that the killer was happy. 

Likes: Playing the Piano | Baking Cakes like Ace of Cakes | Cooking | Sweets | The Muppets | Some American Pop/ Punk Bands like Pierce the Viel and Sleeping with Sirens | Archery |

Dislikes: Being Left Alone | Trains | Lightning and Thunder | Bugs | Not making a cake when he wants to |

Fears: Thunder and Lightning | Trains | Being Left Alone | Dogs | 

Hobbies: Playing the Piano | Reading and writing | Listening to his iPod | Making Cakes like Ace of Cakes | Beatboxing | 

Habits: Clings to people when scared or upset | Keeps things to himself | Bites lip when his by himself |

Trivia: Likes to Play Yiruma on the Piano | Genuis Cake Maker | Sings Quietly in the shower | Daydreams a lot | Deathly scared of Thunder and Lightning | Likes screamo music |

Blood Related;

Family Backround: Todd's parents don't seem to really care about him. He was always quiet as a child and they never cared. His mother never paid any attention to him and his father would pretend like he didn't exist. When Todd saw the murder, his parents didn't really care much. They figured he wouldn't open his mouth since he was always silent. He was like a child who wasn't any use to them. 

Todd is a triplet and the youngest one at that. It was always his brother's that would stick up from him and make sure that everything was going to be okay for him. They didn't want anything to happen to the gentle boy and therefore protected him when bad things would happen. When he saw the killing, they checked to make sure that he was okay, forced him to go to the police and tell them everything. They both love Todd even though the eldest doesn't really show it. 

Family Members: Baek Cumin | 18 | Breathing | Middle Triplet |10 | College Student |

Baek Basil |18 |Breathing | Oldest Triplet | 7 | College Student |

Baek Lila | 39 |Breathing | Mother |1 |HouseWife |

Baek Minhyun | 40 | Breathing | Father | 1 | CEO | 

I Love You...Or I Hate You?;

Bestfriend: Byun Baekhyun

How You Act Around Each Other: Treats Todd like a little brother that he wants to protect and love a whole lot. 

Friends: Lee Taeil (Block B), Do Kyungsoo (EXO-K), Jung Ilhoon (BTOB)

Rival: N/A

Age: N/A

What Group Are They In?: N/A

Personality: N/A

How You Guys Became Rivals: N/A

My Heart Skips A Beat For You;

Name: Band Member! :D

Age: I don't know

What Group Is He In?: Diablow XD

Crush or Lover?: Crush

Personality: I have no clue.

How You Guys Met: Traniees XD

How You Guys Act Around Each Other: Who knows O_O

Back-Up Love Interest's Name: Bang Yongguk

Age: 22

What Group Is He In?: B.A.P.

Crush or Lover?: Crush

How You Guys Met: They've known each other since they were kids when Todd came to visit Korea. 

How Guys Act Around Each Other: Fluffy and cutesy

Are You Sure You Got Enough Talent For Showbiz, Hun?;

Stage Name: N/A

Position:  Main Vocal, Sub Dancer

Rapping: N/A
Dancing: [1] [2] [3]
Singing: [1] [2] [3]

Back-Up Position: Triple Threat

Rapping: [1]  [2]
Dancing: [1] [2] [3]
Singing: [1] [2] [3] 

Persona: Silent Spazz

How Many Years Were You A Trainee?: 2

How Were You Scouted?: Audtioned

Anything You'd Like To Add, Password?;

* Comments/Suggestions: Hi! Thanks for reading!!! :D

* Debut Song Suggestions: The Chaser- Infinite

* Scene Requests?: None that I can think of at the moment XD






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