Forgive me for my weirdness! Read , pretty please? To my subscribers as well.

So tired, school is a pain I have no time for anything anymore even worst there's more to come....

So how are you guys? Hope your doing better then me haha....

So have you read my latest update yet? I hoped you liked it.

I just realized that I started all three sentences with "So" lmao my brain is very simple minded at the moment, sorry.

ugh yeah , I have to catch up on updating again... sigh... sorry I'm just really feeling under the weather... my mood level is way down..

Blame the rain , the rain makes me depressed ,sad, and totally drains my energy. On a positive note , I've already started on the next chapter to my story (Relapsing 12:00 am) man I think this chapter will be the longest, so look out for that tomorrow!

Did you guys see I changed the main image ? I wasn't sure about which on to keep because at first my intention was this story to be  just plain  , dark and all that good stuff. But now I've noticed it really is the TOTAL opposite of what I had in plan. 
Meaning random,fluffy,cute know what I mean. So should I keep the picture right now or change it the the original one?

Again, I'm sorry I sound like I'm ranting it's just I'm in a state of mind where I'm being a whiny....Banana. lol

Anyways I wanted to say thank you to those 13 subscribers because I would have never though of getting 
*poker face*

Just having one subscriber was enough for me but more , even better. I can't even put into words how much I love you guys.

I was thinking of doing a giveaway but that's to early... Or extreme. lol well who knows maybe in the near time future.

So I'm going to head off to bed , Good night my beautiful Cheri bears! ~<3 


But really Thank you. <3


Oh yeah... and I have one request, could you maybe...give me a little support just by commenting or just saying hi  is fine as well ,because it will really gives me so much energy to post updates, espically being able to update  2 chapters in a day. Just with your help I'll maybe update more then just 2, but  just typing at least one word gives me enough for a whole freaking chpater. I wish you could do me this favor and in return I'll give you something to read.


So enough said See You soon!


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