The Pathetic and Selfish Person.

I'm pathetic, and I'm a lonely loner. God, sometimes I just wish that the world can stop at a specific moment. And by that I mean that death would come when you're at the happiest place of your life. 

Imagine it! Only then can 'Eternal Happiness' be achieved, right? 

I freaking hate fairy tales, they made me believe that there is such a thing as 'happy ending', but really people, do you seriously believe in that crap?

Think about it! Sure, you might be happy now, but I'm pretty sure that something bad will happen later that will just leave you feeling sad and  I dare you to say that I'm wrong with this! Life is a vicous and fast paced cycle of Happiness and Sadness with no such thing as the 'middle ground' and the worst part is that you don't know on what part will it land when you die. 

What if it wasn't happy? That's pretty sad right. That's what I'm trying to say here people, it'll be so great if humans are created to die when they reach ultimate happiness. Then we can all say that we've obtained our 'happy endings'.

I'm pretty sure that no one is reading this, so that's why I'm being rather bold. BUT if there is someone reading this, please do not take my words seriously. Life is a journey, and the vicious cycle is there to 'enhace' the experience! HEHHEEHHE, imagine how boring it is to be happy or sad all the time? 

Hehehe, fate is something you should never mess with. God is fair, be patient, happiness will come, eventually. 

I feel way better after typing this! BYE.


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