
Friends are companions that travel along with us in the road of life. 

Many say "Best friends forever" but most of the time, it don't happen. 

Friends are just people we meet some time in our lives that will eventually leave you. 

At least this is what I believe.

I was reminded of my friends whom I call best friends 6 months back. 

However, now that we have split ways..

I felt awkward with them and vice versa. 

An unbreachable gap was created. 

I could only smile and tell myself that this is part of life. 

I wonder...

If we will become like this 3 years later.

I hope not. 

I want to keep the faith in me but I keep losing it. 

I am sorry.

I will try because I want to believe too. 


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I choose to believe, too. :)
green_teax #2
I agree. I mean, just count how many friends are still with you since middle school or high school. I don't even have 5. That's why I don't get that clingy to whoever, they're going to apart someday. All I can do is treat my best to the people beside me, and enjoy while it lasts.
same feelings here unni^^
fujisyusuke-kun #4
Unnie. Don't worry. I'm sure that you'll find the perfect people who would understand you in any way and effortlessly make you happy. Just like I did. 6 of them . :D