sickness and paper...

first i would like to say: Im sorry for not updating on Letters From you and Teenage boy, for almost a week now! 
But it's not that i didnt want to!
I really do!
but as i wrote a few weeks back in school, and school is getting tougher, with more papers and homework...

Besides that, i think i began on to many stories as one time...
Currently im writing 4 different stories...
2 that are almost done (teenage boy and Rainy days)...

and then i have my story with my cousin know...the Baekyeol story! ^^
and my baby... or one of them... Letters from you!

and last weekend, i promised myself that i would update a lot, but last saturday i became sick, and yesterday i went to school, which was a big mistake! cause it made me feel even worse!!!!
And now im at home, coughing up my lungs, and drowning in some sort of body fluits xD

Besides that, i also have  paper due tomorrow...and i havent even begun yet! -.- so i dont really have time for this!

But i guess im really sorry for not updating! but i promise! next Saturday i will update...if not before...
Because i got a great idea for Teenage boy...and also for Letters from you...

Hope you wont hate me! ^^




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