I'm backkkk~

I'm back from Canada! Super fun~

... Except everthing that was over-priced.

Seriously? 15% taxes?! On everthing?!

My taco bell costed about about three times more than it would in the states T_T

I wanted to get my friends soveinours from Canada

One wanted Kris, another wanted a Moose, and another wanted Maple syrup...

I got a EXO-M CD, a rilakuma/domo (Whichever she choose) cellphone chain, and a magnet for them...

You know where I first saw a moose? At Chinatown, that's where. In flipping Chinatown as opposed to anywhere else. But at the same time, I'm not really surprised either... XD

But too bad I ran out of money before then T_T

So... I got to see the CN Tower, Nigara Falls, Chinatown, Toronto Island, and Pacific mall.

Pacific mall is a place for all asian-loving people :D

My sister and I found a really cool CD store where it sells Madarin, Cantonese, Japanese, and Korean CDs

I got EXO-M and K for my friend and cousin, a 2PM folder thingy for another friend, and... wait for it....


I got Hyunseong's photo card! My cousin is going to be soooo jelly 8D

My hotel by the way.

The fire alarm went off twice in two nights in a row. At like.... too early to get up at D;

But even if the alarm didn't go off, I had problems sleeping on the third night because my cold got worse T_T

I also saw a mall which was pretty much deloslate... o.O

I went a place call Loose Moose and I had a realllllyyyyy pretty waiter :)

Some funny things to cheer you up:

When at Toronto Island, My cousin, her boyfriend, my sister, and I were walking back to the port. From a far, my cousin pointed out 'that strange four-legged beast'. It was a horse. Your typically brown stallion XD

Because of the fire alarm, my cousin's boyfriend call the front desk and ed at them. My cousin did it again when we were checking out of the hotel.

When we went to eat out on the first night, the boyfriend (going to refencing at that from now on XD) ordered a beef rib. When we finished eating, we keep the bone. We meet up later than day with someone else who also went on the trip. The boyfriend claimed he killed a man/philosoraptor for it. His story keep changing. But he couldn't fool the other person. You can't troll a troll XD

Well, I think that's enough for the four-day trip aboard. Oh wait... I didn't do homework either.

I guess that's it, I'm off!


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kinspiremae #1
Sounds like my Dongsaeng had fun :) welcome home.