concerning missions and partners *important*

so i know that many of you are wondering who your partner is or what mission you'll have nshet like that

but being the unorganized bishlet i am i decided to do something like this.

→ if you do not have a partner, please comment on this blog stating your zodiac sign

this is how we pair you all up if you didn't know

→ if you don't have your own mission, please comment or PM me what your occupation is so that i can discuss this with another admin

→ if you don't have a mission with your partner, comment below telling me who they are so I can think of something for the both of you

so if you have to deal with something like this, just go to this blog post and comment below

because it's kind of hard when you comment on one admin's page and then the other's orz


if there's anything else i missed PM me & i'll try to add that to this type of situation

okay thank you for reading c:

have fun guys!



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I don't have a partner or mission, probably because I just joined.
Sign: sagittarius
OH by the way, Seukkie
The rules actually state that
-it's best if the partner is of opposite gender, and has a compatible zodiac.
If not, then it will be a random draw, so yeah. So it's a high possibility that some people's partners are the same gender as them, and their zodiac doesn't match ^^;
and Ricky wants to help ouo