application | merciless


Taelynn Choi


~The Online You~


Username + Link : --chocolate.
Name / Nickname : my name is alyssa. but, i perfer you call me chocolate. or, just choco.

~The Story You~


Name : Taelynn Choi (태린 )

Nickname : Tae, T-Lynn, Lil' Choi, Glitterling Leader

Age : 18, (international 19)

Birthdate : 5, December, 1994

Birthplace : Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Hometown : Incheon, South Korea

Ethnicity : Korean-American

Languages : English (fluent) Korean (fluent, but still learning.) Japanese (basic)

Blood Type: O-Positive

~The Packaging~


Height : 160 cm

Weight : 49 kg

Ulzzang : Choi Jong Mi

Links of Photos : one - two - three - four

Back-up Ulzzang : Choi Seo Hee

Links of Photos : one - two - three - four

Style : Casual: one - two - three - four

Formal: one - two - three - four

Practice: one - two - three - four

Sleepwear: one - two - three - four


~The Contents~


Personality : On Taelynn's bright side, Taelynn is Optimistic and freedom loving. She's always thinking of the bright side of everything, and never thinks of the negatives. Her slogan has always been, "Think of the positives!" She loves to be free, able to do anything she wants. She can't be tied down, to anything. Rarely even love. Which is what makes her so irrisistable to some, (much to her older step-brother's dismay)

She's also jovial, which means cheerful and friendly. She's always happy, and never has a frown on her face and wants to be friends with everyone. If possible, She'd befriend everyone in the world. Her close friends say that she has this aura that draws you to her, and makes you want to be her friend. She's good-humored as well. She has an amazing sense of humor, and is really giggly at times. Sometimes, she'd just burst out into hysterics over absolutely nothing.

Taelynn will be very honest and straight-forward with you. As the saying goes, "The truth hurts!" . If Taelynn thinks you should know something, she will tell you. Even if it may hurt your feelings. Either way, She'll probably try to make you feel a bit better about it, rather than trying to beat around the bush. Taelynn, wether she wants to admit it or not, Is very smart and always thinks outside of the box. She tries to think of unique things that make her stand out amongst a crowd, and she will never, ever try to fit in.

Now, on Taelynn's dark side, She's blindly optimistic and careless. At times, She doesn't care about the consequences of what she wants to do to be 'free', she just does it. Even if it may jeaopardize her dreams. It's her, she can't control it. At times, She's so optimistic to the point where nothing can upset her, which can be very bad at certain times.

Taelynn is very irresponsible and superfical. You can't exactly trust Taelynn with, for example, pet-sitting. She'd most likely forget she was pet-sitting in the first place and go run off to do something else completely unrelated. And, once you confront her about it, her answer will always be, "I forgot!" She can be a bit superficial at times, and very shallow. She's like a little rich girl sometimes, she always has to have what she wants. Always.

Taelynn's also very clumsy, and very accident-prone. No one really trusts her with valubles, because, it's a high chance that'd she will break it. The only thing that she hasn't broken was this pure glass and diamond heart necklace her mother gave her before she passed away. Taelynn wears it almost like a choker around her neck and she promises to never take it off. Taelynn cannot be held down by boring things (e.g., meetings, press confrences) She'll start the squirming, tapping, and asking stupid questions.

Likes :

Bright, Glittery Colors



Getting to the middle of things




Dislikes :

Being tied down

Being constrained

Too many details

Boring places

Dull colors


Spicy Food

Habits : Whenever feeling bored, she always asks anyone older than her very stupid questions

In the mornings, She wakes up singing EXO's History

She takes up the whole bed when sleeping

Hobby : Taelynn's main hobby, has always been decoration. She decorates everything she buys.

Trivia :

~ She once met Bekah of After School, and had a fangirl attack.

~ Taelynn is very close with f(x)'s Sulli, SHINee's Taemin and Minho, and Super Junior's Kyuhyun

~ She's very good at b-boy dancing, but no one ever sees it.

~ She makes her own YouTube videos (she's a regular, her username is glitterlingtae)

~ She often makes her own merchandise, for when she becomes an idol. She has a whole box full of things that she thinks the label should sell for her.

Phobias :

Thunderstorms When Taelynn was younger, Her parents always seemed to fight whenever their was a thunderstorm outside. So, Whenever Taelynn hears thunder, she thinks that someone is arguing, somewhere, and God is upset with them for arguing.

Horror Movies Taelynn saw her first horror movie, The Last Excosism, and was scarred for life. She would stay up for hours, looking around her room, holding her penguin teddy bear. For a full month, Taelynn only slept during the day.




Family Background : Taelynn was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with a Korean mother and an American father. The two stayed together, up until Taelynn was 7. They always fought, and didn't even sleep in the same bed. So, Taelynn didn't like to think of him as a father. Whenever they would fight, and there was a thunderstorm, Taelynn would usually run and hide in her closet. Since her parents always fought, She took the liberty of decorating it. She put a lamp, a stack of her favorite Japanese mangas, Markers, Drawing pads, Pencils and her iPod. So, then, she could be entertained.

Her parents finally split when Taelynn turned 7. After the divorce was final, Her mother decided to head back to South Korea, and start a whole new life. Taelynn was homeschooled up until she turned 9, her mother had to teach her the Korean ways, the language, and honorifics. Taelynn's mother then remarried, to Choi Minho's father. By that time, Minho was already a member of SHINee, and Taelynn was a big shawol at the time. So, Taelynn was quite ecstatic with the fact that they'd be step brother-and-sister. Minho, at first, wasn't very fond of Taelynn, because of her carelessness and clumsiness. But, soon, he warmed up to her. They are very close with eachother now.

Family Members :

Choi Eunjae (nee, Min) | 48 | Alive | Stay-at-home mother | Mother of Taelynn, Step mother of Minho

Choi Minkyu | 56 | Alive | former baseball player | Father of Minho, Step father of Taelynn

Choi Minho | 19 | Alive | Member of SHINee | Step brother of Taelynn

~Friends & Rivals~


Best Friends :

Moon Jongup | 17 | Member of B.A.P | 10/10

Friends :

Sulli Choi | 18 | Member of f(x) | 7/10

Jang Hyunseung | 23 | Member of BEAST | 8/10

Noh Yi Young | 20 | Member of After School | 7/10

Kim Dasom | 19 | Maknae of Sistar | 9/10

Lee Taemin | 18 | Maknae of SHINee | 6/10

Rival :

Kim Hyuna | 19 | Member of 4minute

Story of why both of you became rivals : Taelynn considers Hyuna a rival, based on their extensive history when Taelynn was a trainee under CUBE Entertainment. There, Hyuna always and made fun of Taelynn for her being so happy, loud, and exciting. Hyuna was simply jealous of the fact that everyone seemed to be so close with Taelynn. Even the members of 4minute liked her. Hyuna felt as if Taelynn was stealing her spotlight.

~Love Is In The Air~


Love Interest : Park Chanyeol

Birthdate : 27, November 1992

Relationship : Crushing, both tend to make it very, very obvious.

How you two met : Optional? I'll let you do that then. c:

Back-up Love Interest : Huang ZiTao (Tao)

~Trainee Life~


How did you get in : Taelynn was originally founded by YouTube by CUBE executives.

How long have you been a trainee : 2 years under CUBE and 1 under SM. 3 years and 3 months.

Trainee Story : Taelynn was scouted by her dancing videos on YouTube. And, since she was a bit of a YouTube personality, The CUBE executives thought that she would be a great face of any group, considering that she was so friendly and lovable. So, They scouted her and she started her training. She became quick friends with a lot of the other CUBE trainees, including the members of A-Pink, who were training at the time. Then, Taelynn's rivalry with Hyuna began. Taelynn slowly, started to lose friends based off of Hyuna's lies. As Taelynn saw that her debuting wasn't in her future, she transferred to SM. Around that time, A-Pink had had their first appearance, in the music video for BEAST's Beautiful. So, if Taelynn hadn't left CUBE, she would have been A-Pink's 8th member. Taelynn's training under SM began very smoothly. She became friends with many of the trainees, and even the idols, since she was Minho's younger sister. Training didn't take very long before Taelynn was placed under the trainees set to be in their new group, Merciless.

Singing Ability : click

Dancing Ability : click

Rapping Ability : click

Taelynn can't rap very well...

Experience : Taelynn is very much experienced in dance, including b-girl dancing, hip hop and modern dance. As well in singing, She was in the school choir before moving to Korea. She isn't as good in rapping as she would hope to be, but, she does enjoy writing raps for others to rap.

~Glittery Stage~


Stage Name : Auoral (it's another word for bright)

Position : Main Dancer

Back-up Position : Lead Vocal

Persona : The Glitterling Leader

Personal Fanclub Name : Glitterlings (they're aliens, from the bright and glittery planet of Illuminance)

Personal Fanblub Colour : #66ff00



Comments : I think that's about it. I'll be glad to draw any merchandising for Merciless, even if I don't make it. 

Suggestions : For debut song, It seems like your using Dal Shabet's concept, so, I believe that Hit U/Fire It Up would be great for a debut stage. If your looking for another song, Maybe a song by After School would work. Their songs are a lot fiercer. Like, Diva, Ah! or Bang!. I believe a debut stage with the 'Bang!' would be amazing, considering the drum solos that After School did during their comeback. As for light sticks, Maybe there could be like a M on the top of it, and it flashes bright pink.


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Just to tell you that you are choosen! ^_^ You will be the maknae of the group, is that ok? Please comment at least once per 2 chapters!
Albino :D
Your character's personality is quite long but nevermind, it is very detailed! I will take your suggestions into consideration! ^_^ But it seems like you have the same rival as another applicant. I hope that you would not mind that you share the same rival... If you mind, please notify me! I will notify you again if you are choosen! ^_^
Albino :D